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Nazi Lowriders
Emblem of the Nazi Lowriders, based on the Reichsadler symbol
FoundedLate 1960s
Founding locationKern County and Los Angeles County, Southern California, United States
Years active1960s – Present-Day
TerritorySouthern California
EthnicityWhite Hispanic, White American
Membership (est.)1,000

NLRCMS / CerberusCMS Developement

My Resume

My Mathematics Papers

The Nazi Lowriders are a criminal syndicate and a Lowrider Car Club that are based in Southern California and are active only in Southern California. Nazi Lowriders are also known collectively as The NLR and are also collectively known as The Ride of Nazi Lowriders.

Origins of The Nazi Lowriders


The Nazi Lowriders were formed in Kern County, Southern California and in Los Angeles County, Southern California in the late 1960s as a gang of members who owned Chevrolet Lowrider vehicles with origins in the Southern California Lowrider Car Culture Community. They were first documented by U.S. Law Enforcement authorities on the border of East Los Angeles, Southern California and in Kern County, Southern California in the mid 1970s.

The name of this gang was originally a play on words on rival Hispanic Car Club names as being the most Racially Pure out of all of the Hispanic Car Clubs in Southern California as the gang fought their enemy Hispanic Lowrider Gangs and overcame their rival Hispanic Lowrider Gangs in Southern California. The U.S. Legal System that was constructed and formed in Southern California throughout the 1950s by invading Non-Hispanic White Population Groups into Southern California favored the racially pure over all other ethnic groups. The Nazi Lowriders did not start as a Neo-Nazi Gang, they started as a Hispanic Lowrider Car Club and the founder is / was known to be part Hispanic.

Nazi Lowriders formed their own Prison Gang in Southern California in the late 1970s as they were incarcerated for street crimes and they later in 1997 formed a small temporary alliance with the original members of the Aryan Brotherhood of Southern California after the 11 year old biological son of the founder of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club spoke to a high ranking boss of the Sinaloa Cartel in Southern California and later as a 13 year old he spoke to a Captain of the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club as the Nazi Lowriders gained more membership, but not from the Hells Angels membership base. It was later revealed that the U.S. Navy was surveilling that Sinaloa Cartel Boss' residence in Southern California before and after these visits and discussions. When he was 15 years old he spoke to a Lieutenant and a General of the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club who offered him membership, but he has clearly stated that he declined membership in the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club.

The Hells Angels of Southern California had discussed either buying the name of this Car Club or temporarily change alliances for the sake of several small towns in Southern California lived in by allied gangs. The son of the founder of the Nazi Lowriders decided to temporarily add alliances to the Nazi Lowrider Car Club for the fate of several small towns in Southern California where enemy groups wanted to sell off pieces of California to the enemies of California who were not from California. The founder of the Nazi Lowriders Car Club and his biological son have admitted to being anti-Italian, anti-Irish, anti-Russian and against the immigration of several different ethnic population groups into Southern California namely from Southern Non-Hispanic White population groups because the Nazi Lowriders are part Hispanic and because the Nazi Lowriders are descended multi-generationally from California. Citing the partial Mexican-Hispanic ethnicity of Edward Furlong. Instead he decided to form a temporary alliance with the existing population groups in Southern California having already been a longtime ally of several different Chicano and Chicana Car Clubs in Southern California as well as of the Chicanos.

The Nazi Lowrider Car Club and the Nazi Lowrider Prison Gang are the same and these entities were not founded by John Stinson or by the Aryan Brotherhood and in fact the Nazi Lowriders existed in Southern California long before the founding of the Aryan Brotherhood in Southern California. Originally, the Nazi Lowriders were formed as a White-Hispanic Car Club of Southern California in the late 1960s and the 1970s.

Collected verifiable media and verifiable video footage in Southern California namely from Lowrider Magazine of Southern California as well as from video news reports from Video News Reporting Agencies in Los Angeles, Southern California show the Nazi Lowriders in street races near Boyle Heights in East Los Angeles, Southern California in the early 1990s as well as in Super Sport Lowrider Car Shows in Central Los Angeles, Southern California and near West Los Angeles, Southern California in the mid 1990s to the mid 2000s.

Number of Official Members of The Nazi Lowrider Car Club


By 1993 and 1994 Southern California Law Enfocement had documented 28 known and official members of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club in Los Angeles, Southern California. From 1999 to 2008 law enforcement evaluated the number of members of the Nazi Lowriders that were incarcerated in Southern California Prisons as more were recruited by senior membership. It is currently unknown how many members there are of the Nazi Lowriders, but the California Gang Task Forces provided an estimate in 2009 and this estimate by the California Gang Task Forces do not mean that they are correct about the number of members of the Nazi Lowriders.

History of The Waves of Immigration Into California and The Formation of California Street Gangs


Non-Hispanic White street gangs and African-American street gangs did not actually exist in Southern California before or during the arrival of Non-Hispanic Whites and African-Americans into Southern California and the waves of immigration of Non-Hispanic Whites into Southern California from the 1920s to the 1960s. The town of Compton, in Southern California was originally a Non-Hispanic White neighborhood from the 1940s to the late 1960s before it became incorporated into the County of Los Angeles afterwhich a wave of African-Americans moved in and slowly overtook the area and were visibly seen as a street gang known as the Cripps which is a word that is usually shortened to Crips where then after the formation of the Cripps the Bloods then began as a new branch of the Cripps that also visibly showed a force in these areas throughout the 1980s. During the immigration of African-Americans into Compton, Southern California they were segregated to their own side of this town that were collectively called The Pits and The Slums of Compton until they overtook the entire town to the border of the city of South Gate, Southern California throughout the 1980s and into the 1990s. Primary immigration of the African-American population groups into these areas in Southern California come from the U.S. State of Louisiana from the 1970s to the 1990s.

The Bloods were originally a cultural part of the Cripps. The Cripps were slowly forced to move away from Compton, Los Angeles in Southern California throughout the late 1990s to the early to mid 2000s while they were at occupational war with invading enemy Hispanic gangs. The Cripps gang were founded by Hispanics before they began recruiting African-Americans in the 1970s. In the late 1990s it was revealed to the rest of the Los Angeles gangland that the Cripps were in fact formed by Hispanics while they used African-American gang members as a visible and showable force.

The primary waves of immigration of Non-Hispanic Whites into Southern California began after the 1930s and included numerous waves of immigration of Non-Hispanic Whites from the Southern-Central United States namely from Oklahoma and affected areas of the Dust Bowl. California State Law was previously ennacted from the 1930s to the 1950s to illegalize the immigration of any Americans from other U.S. States into California and Spanish California did not actually end socially until the early 1900s. Every U.S. State west of the New England Colony States became a recognized and ratified U.S. State after the early to mid 1900s. Oklahoma State for instance was not actually a recognized and ratified U.S. State until after 1920 because it was still called Indian Territory while the U.S. maintained efforts of colonizing Indian Territory and everything west of Indian Territory by White Settlers.

The U.S. Social Security Number was not introduced to U.S. Citizens until the mid 1930s and the program was not widely forced into the U.S. population until the 1950s. The Dust Bowl of the areas of Oklahoma brought waves of surviving American Indians as well as Non-Hispanic Whites from the areas known as Indian Territory into Southern California beginning in the mid 1930s. While the U.S. encouraged expansion and settling in and further west of Indian Territory most of California safeguarded its territorial borders and restricted immigration from other U.S. territories. The dominating social force in California was known as the Californias and Arizona and New Mexico during these years were still lived in primarily by Southern-Western American Indian Tribes that traveled in small bands. Most American Indians of what is now known as the South-West United States moved away to areas in México after battling with the U.S. Military Forces in the early 1900s and before regaining their land and establishing treaties with the U.S. Government throughout the 1970s. The American Indian Movement in Arizona and New México reclaimed American Indian Land throughout the 1970s and established new treaties with the U.S. Government.

Italians and Italian-Americans did not actually begin waves of immigration into California until after the 1950s and the migration of the affected of the Dust Bowl did not have any Italian population groups because the U.S. government did not allow Italians or Italian-Americans to claim any land in the Oklahoma Land Rush or in any Indian Territory because none of them actually lived in the U.S. and none of them fought in any of the wars for U.S. President Andrew Jackson, and war participation was required in order to apply for and secure land ownership in Indian Territory by those White European Settlers under the Indian Territory Land Claims Acts / Land Rushes known as the Sooner Land Rush and the Oklahoma Land Rush.

In military terminology Occupation refers to agendized groups of people who literally move into the houses in the area or else into the area in order to take over the area while they go to war with the local population groups, kill them off and then move more allies into that area in order to own that area in every way possible.

The primary waves of concentrated illegal immigration of Non-Latino Slav ( Slavic ), ( Russians, Ukrainians, Eastern Europeans ) and Latino-Slav as well as Armenians into Southern California did not actually begin until the early to mid 2000s as they began colonizing areas in Central America and South America and began traveling north to the borders of the U.S. and México to then illegally enter into Southern California.

The original Californians were known as the Californianos and the Californianas who had multi-generational ancestral descent from the Spanish Empire in the Californias.

The original American Indians in the areas that are now known as California were the American Indigenous People who lived all throughout the easily accessible areas of what is now known as California because they did not have access to horses or carriages and no roads existed for them travel long distance. They were mostly concentrated along the coastal areas of California where there were easily accessible fishing. Horses were not actually brought into the Pacific Americas en mass until after the 18th century where they then bred Spanish horses and ponies in California.

Waves of immigration of Central Americans and South Americans into California did not actually begin until after the 1960s, but some of these population groups existed in California in small numbers. While Latinos and Latinas can claim American Indigenous heritage because they descend ancestrally from Indigenous groups of Central America and South America they cannot claim to have been in California before the 1850s because there were no means to transport them in large groups even by Spanish ships that sailed the Pacific Coastlines. Instead, the Spanish put to work in California the Indigenous of the areas of what is now known as Northern México.

Nearly every gang in California was formed together and is held together by ethnic and racial group sameness.

History and Origins In The Southern California Hispanic Lowrider Car Culture


The phrase: Nazi Lowrider is a phrase that was coined by the founder of this Car Club as members of this Car Club went to war with their enemy gangs notably the gang known as the Cripps which is a word that is usually shortened to the word Crips and is a gang that was and is exclusively based in Southern California. The Nazi Lowriders also went to war with the Cripp counterpart gangs that are known as the Bloods all throughout the 1980s in Southern California and later they went to war with the Cripp owned Car Club collectively known as the Druid Car Club all throughout the 1990s and the early to mid 2000s. Many of the original Cripp gang members were part Hispanic and or mixed with Hispanic and African heritage whereas the members of the Nazi Lowriders were more racially pure than all others out of all of the Lowrider Car Clubs in Southern California, hence the phrase: Nazi Lowrider.

The Nazi Lowriders became known as pioneers of street craft in Southern California Gangland as they allied with Sureños groups. Street craft includes killing enemies by drive-by gunfire and then disposing of the bodies by placing the body into a metal barrel and then by dumping the body into a water canal where the water would slowly dissolve the body into bones over 1 year of flowing water through the canal.

The Cripps later formed more alliances with the Latin-American community in Southern California whereas the Nazi Lowriders formed more alliances with the existing Non-Hispanic White communities in Southern California and the existing White-Hispanic communities in Southern California.

The words Latino and Latina refer to people with Latin-American heritage. Latin-American countries are all of the countries that are south of the country of México. While Méxicans can be considered Hispanic because they speak a dialect of the language of Spanish not all Méxican Citizens or Méxican Nationals have origins from the country of México and many Méxicans have both American Indigenous and Spanish ( From Spain ) heritage whereas Californianos and Californianas which are technically multi-generational Californians and are people that descend from the era of Spanish California. Chicanos and Chicanas are a completely different Hispanic group.

Differences In Hispanic Groups


Unique Contributions To The Lowrider Car Culture of Southern California


The founder of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club can be seen with his biological son and his woman in their unique Chevrolet Lowrider vehicle in the 1990, 1991 issues of Lowrider Magazine of Southern California.

Nazi Lowriders contributed significant advancements to the Lowrider Car Culture of Southern California most notably the extended hydraulic suspension engineering schemes where some of their lowrider cars could extend up to 25 feet or more into the air where members could jump through second-story hotel and motel windows to fight enemies as well as to collect money and Nazi Lowrider' Lowriders that were seen between the 1980s and the 1990s were extremely unique. They also wrote advanced custom web application software from the late 1990s to the mid 2000s that could run from any Internet Web Browser where that web application software would automatically resize itself to any electronic device display resolution including from low budget and quickly disposable mobile cell phone devices where any of the members could send messages to all members at the same time as well as to any other member specifically to request pick up anywhere including by G.P.S. Location, quickly send orders, make VoIP phone calls, sell cannabis drug products and more.

This was extremely useful for members to communicate long distance in group chats supporting up to several hundred members simultaneously where S.M.S., M.M.S. and early publicly accessible social media platforms limited communication speed while traveling with a mobile electronic cell phone or a mobile electronic laptop or notebook computer. This ennabled members to compete with and defeat all enemy gangs in Southern California. The web application software was also very useful for Nazi Lowriders who traveled in groups through Los Angeles County, Southern California and Kern County, Southern California. Copies of this software were given to the allies of the Nazi Lowriders where the allies then continued development of it into their own versions.

Nazi Lowrider Software


The Nazi Lowrider Web Application known with Unix Name: NaziLowriderCMS and NLRCMS began development by the biological son of the founders of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club when he was ~13 years old in the year 2000. NaziLowriderCMS receives its downstream from the same web application project known as CerberusCMS which was also officially registered in the year 2000 in Oildale, Kern County, Southern California by the biological son of the founders of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club when he was ~13 years old. The Vagos Motorcycle Club requested a development version from him over the Internet in the year ~2001. The web application was originally meant to provide quick, long distance communication over the Internet to Nazi Lowriders after pager devices were phased out of Los Angeles, Southern California.

The Vagos Motorcycle Club and the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club were known to have developed a version of this web application software in 2014 where it could compete with the Meta owned Ray-Ban Smart Glasses Platform.

From 2020 to 2025 the Nazi Lowriders spent another $800 U.S.D. every 28 - 31 days for 48 months equaling approximately $38,000 to $40,000 United States Dollars developing a new base version of this web application software that is now 250,000 lines of programming code and is based on the original web application software programming code logic that was developed between the years of 2000 to 2005. This web application software is now a fully featured and privately accessible social media platform where all members of the Nazi Lowriders can communicate in mass with each other long distance anywhere they are at instantly. This web application software combined with custom encryption mathematics hosted on parallel web servers connected to combined satellite internet and hardline at home defeats all eavesdropping and all spying. All publicly accessible social media platforms namely: Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, Instagram and others in these categories are backdoored and they also allow any law enforcement and any government agencies to actively spy on the private conversations, intercept conversations, pretend to be the conversation participants and more.

This web application software supports all newly released smart glasses ( regardless of the manufacturer ) with live voice and live video transmission directly to the member profile along with encrypted voice and encrypted video communication directly from the smart glasses. The software also tracks every lowrider and every electronic device connected to it that has a real G.P.S. chip built into it at intervals of every 2 seconds. Every 2 seconds of movement of the lowrider as well as every electronic device that is connected to it is logged to the unique member profile with Latitude, Longitude, Altitude-To-Sea-Level and device sensor coordinates down to a radius of 3 - 7 feet where every vehicle and every electronic device can also be traced by every other Nazi Lowrider step-by-step every 2 seconds in a 24 hour log file. Nazi Lowriders can trace every other Nazi Lowrider every 2 seconds with last known whereabouts. For instance: if any Nazi Lowrider uses this system all other Nazi Lowriders can see their exact location by G.P.S. coordinates down to a radius of 3 - 7 feet every 2 seconds and they can always work off of their last known wereabouts to find them in person. This web application is approximately 250,000 lines of quality and completely functional programming code as of the year 2025.

Contrary to popular understanding, one computer programmer that is completely experienced in computer programming can only write 10,000 lines of completely functional programming code per 365 days at 6 - 8 hours per day. It is impossible for any one person to write more than 10,000 lines of completely functional programming code per 365 days at 6 - 8 hours per day. 250,000 lines of quality and completely functional programing code would take one computer programmer 25 years to write at 6 - 8 hours per day for 365 days per year.

Nazi Lowrider Software For Private Security Teams


Nazi Lowriders have a team that actively work on private security techniques with use of the Nazi Lowrider custom written web application software. The security teams of 3 - 10 people are capable of watching an entire area by using the ultra high speed 5g LTE networks combined with the live video recording smart glasses while also using the Nazi Lowrider go-bags.

This enables the security teams to protect the individuals and groups tasked for protection such as while going out to a public restaurant, public film, public events and more. With 2 - 3 administrators actively watching the web application and with another 3 - 10 people delivering live voice and video streams to the web application who are monitoring a crowd in an area the administrators can quickly reverse-image search faces from the crowd across ~27 different reverse-image and reverse-video search engines where individuals in the crowd can be successfully identified.

The security teams of 3 - 10 people can actively watch the preparation of food to guarantee food safety, they can actively watch the crowd to guarantee safety of the protectees, record vehicle make and model with license plates in that area and more.

Nazi Lowrider GoBags


The Nazi Lowriders also spent $75,000 developing a set of Go-Bags between the years of 2020 to 2025 from ultra light-weight Go-Bags to heavy-weight Go-Bags and for all different weather conditions in California from hot and dry desert weather conditions to below zero degrees weather conditions to raining weather conditions in desert, coastal and mountain areas.

The Go-Bags and the Go-Bag items are completely customized, security hardened and real-world hardened with a series of hardening techniques to U.S. military issue quality and specifications and some are beyond U.S. military issue quality. The Go-Bags, the custom software and the custom lowriders together enable every Nazi Lowrider to quickly evade and quickly confront law enforcement, military, rival and enemy gangs all over California.

They estimated a base cash income of $2,500 per 28 days along with the combined things enable every Nazi Lowrider to defeat and evade law enforcement, military, rival and enemy gangs, rival and enemy cartels all over California for the duration of every 28 days of $2,500 base cash income. Techniques include quickly switching vehicles with eachother; staying in paid Hotels, Motels, AirBNB rooms in high-income areas with pre-paid cash cards and more.

The items include security hardened hand-held flashlights with 1,200+ lumens focus capability to U.S. military patrol specifications, unbreakable fixed-blade lanyard loop knives with custom fabricated rubberized metal hand-guards, hand-gun, specific customized boots that ennable up to ~18 miles of walking per day without the risk of foot corns, foot callus, foot fungal infection, foot bacterial infection or sore feet, customized security-hardened Arch-Linux / KDE Plasma Linux / Custom AOSP Mobile Cell Phone that is dirt-proof, shock-proof, fire-proof, water-proof and more. The customized boots can withstand direct caustic soda and other dissolving acids for up to 30 minutes - 8 hours and are completely slip resistant on every surface including with oil on different surfaces with the modifications.

The entire system including the training system enable them to arrive at any point in California within 6 - 12 hours and at any point in Southern California within 0 - 6 hours. The training system enables each Nazi Lowrider to end anyones life within 5 - 6 minutes by using a trade-secret knifing technique that completely drains out all of the 1.5 to 1.6 gallons of blood of that target body in 4 minutes, and whereafter that target body dies completely within the few minutes after all of the blood is completely drained out of that target body. 1.5 - 1.6 gallons of blood weighs approximately 13 - 14 pounds.

The only way to instantly kill a human target is to drain out all of the blood out of that target body and this is a difficult task if the knife used is not long enough and especially if the knife is too flat or slim and of course there is the problem of if the knife has a secure hand-guard to make it impossible for the weilding hand to slip onto that blade and cut the hand when using it, or not. Stabbings do not always end in fatalities unless all of the human organs are hit repeatedly. 90+% of all shootings do not end in instant fatalities even with automatic fire. Contrary to popular belief and contrary to popular understanding: it is actually very difficult to kill someone.

Nazi Lowrider HygieneBags and HygieneBoxes


The son of the founders of the Nazi Lowriders spent several thousand United States Dollars developing a set of Hygiene-Kits, Hygiene-Bags and unbreakable Hygiene-Boxes that can be placed within the Nazi Lowrider Go-Bags and carried into the Nazi Lowrider Lowrider vehicles. The hygiene techniques and the hygiene kits involve thoroughly scrubbing the body with a rock, ultra high quality anti-microbial soaps and techniques to force the teeth to ultra white and ultra strong. The unbreakable Hygiene-Boxes with Hygiene items cost $50 - $60 United States Dollars.

Nazi Lowrider Lowriders


Another team of the Nazi Lowriders also spent another $60,000 on a different project from 2020 to 2025 developing a specialized lowrider racing vehicle with advanced hydraulics and nitro cooling systems capable of 24/7 live video recording from the vehicle dash, vehicle mirrors, vehicle rear and with 360 degree rotation of the cameras controllable from the stearing column of the vehicle. This specialized lowrider vehicle is capable of sending up to 720+ Gigabytes of video data at 4K video resolution for 24 hours per day at 5g LTE internet connection speed to the private web server that has this custom web application software installed on. This lowrider racing vehicle was documented with costs of custom engineering, vehicle part customizations, paint jobs, metal reinforcement and more. The lowriders cannot be hijacked unless the window is rolled down due to a large gauge chain that is connected from below the hood to the suspension with a magnetic lock.

In demonstrations: this web application software can support up to ~100 - ~200 concurrent and unique network connections on a shared hosting web server with ultra-fast response, up to ~300 concurrent and unique network connections on a remote dedicated web server with ultra-fast response, up to ~500 concurrent and unique network connections on 2-Parallel private and dedicated web servers and up to ~1,000 concurrent and unique network connections on 3 or more private and dedicated web servers in parallel.

This web application also supports installing custom application modules for infinite expansion of software features and software functionality. In security demonstrations it has proven to be completely secure from and completely invulernable to all known types of injection attacks from basic to advanced S.Q.L. Injection Techniques and all others. The entire web application can be used securely without a web application firewall appliance and it also supports custom encryption mathematics.

The web application can be securely accessed with a set of customized mobile cell phones that run a mobile Linux Operating Sytem known as Arch Linux Mobile, KDE Plasma Linux Mobile and other fully featured Linux Operating Systems designed for mobile cell phone devices. These operating systems are not based on the Google owned and maintained Android Open Source Software Project. The customized mobile cell phones fit into a custom machined aluminum case that is bulletproof up to .22 caliber, fireproof, waterproof up to 250m, dustproof, shatterproof. The security harded mobile cell phone can be instantly attached to the dash of the vehicle upon entering the vehicle where it can be quickly recharged. The customized Nazi Lowrider smart glasses are capable of wirelessly tethering to the mobile cell phone device.

Nazi Lowrider Race Vehicles With Hydraulics


Nazi Lowriders demonstrated in a collection of videos superior auto-engineering and auto-mechanical capabilites. Nazi Lowrider Lowriders are now capable of expert maneuverability and are bullet-proof at the doors of the vehicle up to .40 caliber rounds by using a combined goop that hardens into a bullet proof sheet material after drying. The goop is a combination of tar and other chemicals that when dried into a thick sheet and inserted between the outer door and the inner door of the vehicle doors make the doors of the vehicles bullet-proof. The engines are made from customized 8-cylinder General Motors engine blocks with super charged and ultra high quality parts. The engine part gaskets are an ultra tough and ultra thick custom rubberized material. The vehicle suspension hydraulics enable the driver to manually control the degrees of motion of the cabin of the vehicle from the dash.

Nazi Lowrider Response Times


Collectively the Nazi Lowriders can arrive at any point in Southern California within 0 - 6 hours from Kern County, Southern California and from Los Angeles County, Southern California. From Kern County, Southern California: Nazi Lowriders can arrive at nearly any point in Los Angeles, Southern California within <= 300 minutes by using combined road, highway and rail. Nazi Lowriders can also arrive nearly anywhere in Los Angeles, Southern California from any point within Los Angeles, Southern California within 180 minutes by using combined road, highway and rail from where Nazi Lowriders are stationed.

Banishment of Lowrider Vehicles In California State


In the 1990s and in the early 2000s in Kern County, Southern California as well as in different cities in Los Angeles County, Southern California numerous city officials within these counties banned Lowrider Racing Vehicles with hydraulics because the lowrider gangs could easily beat all of the Law Enforcement and the Military everywhere in California by using those engineered lowrider vehicles. Law Enforcement could not keep up with the speed of the Lowrider Racing Vehicles with Hydraulics and no one could hide from the maneuverability of those vehicles. Some Nazi Lowriders were known to have extended suspension hydraulics that could not be mimicked by other lowrider gangs where the entire vehicle could be raised sometimes up to 25 feet or more into the air with hydraulics as well as to tactically shield from enemy gun fire.

Membership Requirements


The original Nazi Lowriders required specific criteria for Nazi Lowrider Car Club membership.

Founders of The Nazi Lowrider Car Club


The Founding members of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club are now aged in their 70s. The next generation of Nazi Lowriders can be seen organizing around Kern County, Southern California and in some places in Los Angeles County, Southern California.

Language and Ancestral Heritage Requirements


The original Nazi Lowriders required members to know and speak Spanish and Western-German, prove specific and rare Hispanic ancestral heritage, but no Latin American heritage and no Negroid heritage otherwise known as Latino and Latina. People with any Latin-American heritage were not allowed membership in the Nazi Lowrider Car Club or the Nazi Lowrider Prison Gang. The Nazi Lowriders later officially recognized several part Latino and Latina members. Membership in the Nazi Lowrider Car Club requires multi-generational Californian ancestry.

The son of the founders of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club developed a special language learning system that he named: Lightning Language starting in the year ~2007 where the student can learn and completely retain up to 15 new words in any language every 24 hours with permanent memory retention and if the student applies the memorization techniques to that language every day for up to 365 days that student will know up to 5,475 words in that language at the end of the 365 days. These are considered genius memorization skills whereas when a high percentage of the population attempts to completely memorize 15 new words in any language in 24 hours they usually completely forget the words the next day or they partially forget the words the next day or within a few days. This is known as short-term memory retention loss. The memorization techniques are based on combined memorization techniques that draw from Simonides of Ceos' Method of Loci. This learning system is meant for new Nazi Lowrider members to learn mainland Spanish so that they can instantly see the differences between all of the different dialects of Spanish spoken in California. He also developed a system to show the public that anyone can be a human mental calculator where they can memorize 180+ actual mathematical algorithms by using the Simoniodes of Ceos' Method of Loci combined with other memorization techniques. He developed several unique mathematical algorithms to add to this collection of 182 unique mathematical algorithms.

Vehicle Ownership Requirements


Nazi Lowriders also required members to own a specific Chevrolet Vehicle with or without hydraulics. Lowrider Chevrolet vehicles were required in order to beat all of the street-level gangs who roamed the streets without vehicles as well as to beat all of the enemy and rival Lowrider gangs. Members were also required to own a hand gun so that member could engage in drive by shootings on their enemies from their lowrider vehicle. Hydraulics were later necessary in order to beat all of the enemies that hid in motels and hotels in Southern California as well as to tactically defend against gun fire from enemy gangs. Chevrolet vehicles that were manufactured between the 1960s to the late 1970s had extremely tough and high quality metals where .22 caliber and .40 caliber rounds could not penetrate through the metals if the vehicle doors and the vehicle frames were reinforced with bullet proof goop and bullet proof mechanisms.

Nazi Lowrider Gang Colors and Roman Catholic Rosary Requirements


While Nazi Lowriders are not required to be a member of the Roman Catholic Church as most are not, they are required to know how to build a Roman Catholic Rosary from scratch in a specific set of colors and pattern with a set number of rosary decades. Nazi Lowriders are required to know Nazi Lowrider gang colors.

Nazi Lowrider Religion and Non-Religion Requirements


Nazi Lowriders are not required to be a member of any religious organization or of any church. Many motorcycle clubs and criminal organizations have and own their own churches so that they can always maintain the legal entity that they want, but again: Nazi Lowriders are not required to be a member of any religious organization or of any church.

Motorcycle Ownership Requirements


Nazi Lowriders that own a motorcycle are required to own an American Indian Motorcycle where all parts of that Indian motorcycle are made in the continental U.S.A and with materials that are mined from within the continental U.S.A.

Official Jackets


Officially sponsored Nazi Lowriders are required to wear a specific type of leather jacket made from buffalo / bison leather with the logo of the Nazi Lowrider Street Car Club on the back of the jacket.

Identity Requirements


Officially sponsored Nazi Lowriders and new recruits are required to have a valid California State driver license, clean credit and a clean record. If any Nazi Lowriders encounter legal troubles the gang will act to protect.

Official Sponsorship and Support


Nazi Lowriders require official sponsorship from senior membership as well as support from family for official recognition as a Nazi Lowrider. Family support requires family hand making their motorcycle jackets, hand making their clothing ( if necessary ), monetary support, safety support, knowing their wearabouts, food security and food safety and more.

Nazi Lowrider Car Club Politics and Nazi Lowrider Gang Politics


Nazi Lowriders have their own unique and specific car club politics, car club rules of conduct, car club policies and more. The previously mentioned politics and policies are different from their prison gang politics, prison gang rules of conduct, prison policies and more.

Politics and Rules of Punishment

  • Anyone claiming membership in the Nazi Lowriders and who is not is subject to stabbing.

Organizational Efforts


The Nazi Lowrider Car Club collectively for several decades have become more and more organized from and after their origins. The founder of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club spent several years establishing interpersonal relationships with new members as most gang membership bases are biologically related. By 1993 in Los Angeles, Southern California -- Law Enforcement had documented 23 - 28 completely validated members of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club as they had observed Nazi Lowrider gang activity thoroughout Los Angeles, Southern California. Law Enforcement stated that they suspected that there were more members of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club and that they would need to investigate to see how many there were. By the year 2000 it was suspected that there were several hundred members of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club, but this was never proven and by the year 2009 it was suspected that there were 1,000 members of the Nazi Lowrider Criminal Syndicate. The biological son of the founder of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club has stated that he remembers all 20+ of the original members of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club and the Nazi Lowrider Street Gang from when he was a child in the years of the early to mid 1990s as he met all of them in person and had good, healthy personal relationships with all of them, but he does not remember there being 1,000 members.

Support For Members of The Nazi Lowriders


Academic Collection of Human Memory Techniques and Academic Support

  • The son of the founder of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club spent 15+ years developing language learning systems, knowledge memorization systems and mental mathematics systems to send to incarcerated members of the Nazi Lowriders in California jails and in California prisons. The knowledge system gives great memory enhancement allowing for memorizing an entire language within 365 days, memorizing entire books and mentally multiplying exponentially. He also developed a system for counting cards as well as several other memory systems. The human memory systems are based on Simonides of Ceos' Method of Loci. The language memorization system can compete with memorization systems given out to academics, film actors and government.

Incarcerated Member Communications

  • The web application software that was developed for the Nazi Lowrider Car Club can also be used to communicate with family if the inmate has access to an electronic tablet. Text Messaging and Live Video can be used to communicate with the inmate. Organized letters are also set to communicate with incarcerated family in the Nazi Lowriders.

Entry Level Computer Science

  • The son of the founders of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club is known to teach entry level computer science to several members of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club. This involves real-life information security, digital information security, computer exploits: S.Q.L. Injection, X.S.S. Scripting/Injection, Buffer Injections and more. He was privately taught entry level computer science from 2016 - 2020 and was previously self-taught.

Mechanical Support For Nazi Lowriders


Inexpensive and High Quality Customized Motorbike Transportation

  • The son of the founder of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club spent ~$5,000 United States Dollars perfecting an engineering scheme for a set of induro motorcycles made from high quality parts that can be built for $350 - $500 - $750 United States Dollars from the years 2014 - 2016. The engineering system and the motorbike parts can be reproduced from a guide that he created. The guide shows where to order all of the motorbike parts / where to get all of the motorbike parts, how to customize the motorbike parts, how to machine manufacture some of the motorbike parts and how to build the motorbike. The motorbikes feature direct gasoline injection or direct ethanol injection, a customized and metal hardened 2 - 3 cylinder motor with high quality rubberized gaskets, high quality wide pistons and ultra high quality head metals, ultra high quality top-grade titanium nuts and bolts, liquid engine cooling system, Dunlop dirt bike tires with all terrain billets, ultra strong wide gauge chain and more. The motorbikes can be built in <= 30 days and they can be used to quickly transport product. The motorbikes last for up to ~8 months of every day use before requiring part replacements and can achieve of speed of 45 miles-per-hour on level surface without cut-off on sharp turns, 40 miles-per-hour on incline surface without cut-off and up to 60 miles-per-hour on decline surface without cut-off.
  • It is known that another member of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club spent several thousand United States Dollars perfecting a futuristic and extremely high quality custom made motorcycle made from American Indian Motorcycle parts that can be recreated for $4,000 United States Dollars.

High Quality Lowrider Vehicles With Hydraulics

  • Another team of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club perfected an engineering model from several 1970s Chevrolets that feature futuristic engineering. Video demonstrations of these futuristic Lowrider Chevrolets with hydraulics were made from 2012 - 2014.

Power Struggles Within The Nazi Lowriders


After 1997 and after the interactions between the son of the founder of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club and a high ranking boss of the Sinaloa Cartel in Southern California the Nazi Lowriders experienced internal power struggles within their organization as one of their senior members began efforts of recruiting Non-Hispanic Whites into the Nazi Lowrider Car Club. Senior leadership of the Nazi Lowriders opposed the recruitment efforts because the Nazi Lowriders have origins in the Hispanic Lowrider Car Community of Los Angeles, Southern California.

The Aryan Brotherhood and the Hells Angels began recruiting numerous members into the Aryan Brotherhood and the Hells Angels through the initiation of Non-Hispanic White recruits from Central California and in Southern California mostly from the areas of Long Beach, Southern California. The Aryan Brotherhood and the Hells Angels as a whole entity are linked together and they are known to be connected to Non-Hispanic White Law Enforcement that cover up their crimes.

In the U.S. State of California: English and Spanish are the primary languages. In the U.S. State of Hawaii: English, Hawaiian and Japanese are the primary languages. In the U.S. States that border Eastern-Canada: English and Canadian-French are the primary languages. In the U.S. States that border Western-Canada ( British Columbia ) American-English, Canadian-French and British-English are the primary languages.

In California: the primarily spoken languages are English and different dialects of Spanish because California was formerly owned by the Spanish Empire where it originally extended down to the areas now known as México. California was purchased by the expanding U.S. population and California feeds the entire U.S. population because California can grow food crops 365 days a year without any crop freeze. No other area in the U.S. is capable of this and these are some of the reasons why the U.S. Government wants complete control of California. The U.S. Government mission is to expell all Hispanics, Indigenous and the world of Hispania from California so that Non-Hispanic Whites can move in and take everything.

The Nazi Lowriders have strong ties with several Chicano Car Clubs and their original missions were to protect all family in the Nazi Lowrider Car Club and all of their families in California as well as to preserve the culture of their Car Club in Southern California and to defend their streets and areas in Southern California from their enemies.

The original Nazi Lowrider Car Club as well as the Chicano Car Club opposed the waves of Non-Hispanic White immigration into California because these population groups take away from all of the resources and they are not from California. California belongs to the population groups that are multi-generationally descended from California. These population groups would be Indigenous who are multi-generationally descended from California, Mestizo who are multi-generationally descended from California, Chicano who are multi-generationally descended from California, Hispanics who are multi-generationally descended from California and anyone else who is multi-generationally descended from California, but not to anyone else. These privileges were later extended to the multi-generationally descended from the immigration of the affected of the Dust Bowl from Oklahoma into Southern California from the 1930s who were forced to live in the California Concentration Camps and the California Dust Bowl Camps, but not to anyone else. Because the Dust Bowl only affected certain areas of Oklahoma and it did not affect any other areas in the U.S.

The Nazi Lowriders and the Chicanos have fully documented and proven the fraud of the U.S. Government as the U.S. Government have slowly changed U.S. Government maintained records on their end to be more consistent in lies so that they can slowly take complete ownership of California by creating fictitious legal rights for themselves. These records include changed details in newspaper clippings, changed news reports, changed migration records, including fraudulent and completely made up histories created by the U.S. Government and its controlled churches, changed census records and more. The U.S. Government and corrupt law are known to entirely delete / purge / destroy records so as to make it to where their enemies can not prove anything against them or prove earlier logical events that prove them wrong.

Power Differences In The Aryan Brotherhood and The Hells Angels


The Aryan Brotherhood and the Hells Angels were known to have made connections with different Italian Criminal Families in California and later with Irish Criminal Families abroad. Being a primarily Hispanic and White Hispanic car club, the Nazi Lowriders experienced internal power struggles to maintain peace with some of these Non-Hispanic White population groups. Initially the Nazi Lowriders had stronger connections with the Sinaloa Cartel of Southern California because its members were primarily part Hispanic whereas the Aryan Brotherhood and the Hells Angels are Non-Hispanic White. In fact, the Aryan Brotherhood and the Hells Angels do not actually recruit anyone who is not of pure White Ethnicity.

What Is The Sinaloa Cartel ?


The Sinaloa Cartel is divided into several families of direct multi-generational descent from Sinaloa, México in California. Membership in the Sinaloa Cartel requires provable ancestral descent from Sinaloa, México. All real Sureños, Sureñas and Norteños, Norteñas have direct multi-generational descent from Sinaloa, México. Anyone claiming to be a Sureño, Sureña or a Norteño, Norteña who does not have verifiable multi-generational descent from Sinaloa, México is a fraud.

What Is The Aryan Brotherhood ?


The Aryan Brotherhood traces its roots to Central-California Prisons and Southern-California Prisons in the early years of the 1970s. Aryan Brotherhood membership was restricted to males that fit certain criteria for membership and required them to be pure Aryan of the original race concepts of the Aryan Race. Membership in the Aryan Brotherhood requires murder.

What Are The Hell's Angels ?


Collectively the Hell's Angels are several unique motorcycle clubs and support motorcycle clubs that became united under the banner of name: Hell's Angels whereas the original members were formed in Southern California and some were female bikers. In Hispania the male members of the Hell's Angels Motorcycle Club are known collectively as Angelios del Diablo or Male Angels of the Devil and the female members of the Hell's Angels Motorcycle Club are known as Angelias del Diablo or Female Angels of the Devil where the Devils are the men and the Angels are the women. This motorcycle club can be traced back to the mid to late 1960s in Southern California.

What Is The Vagos Motorcycle Club ?


Collectively the Vagos Motorcycle Club are the Vagos or the Male members of the Vagos Motorcycle Club. The word Vagos in Spanish translates to a masculine / male Vagabond or a Traveling Gypsy in English whereas the word Vaga in Spanish translates to a feminine / female Vagabond or a Traveling Gypsy in English. The original members of the Vagos were of full or partial Hispanic ancestry. The origins of the Vagos Motorcycle Club can be traced to Kern County, Southern California as early as the 1960s.



Motorcycle Clubs


Nazi Lowriders are known to have connections with motorcycle clubs Vagos Motorcycle Club of Southern California and Hells Angels Motorcycle Club of Southern California.

Vagos Motorcycle Club

  • The Vagos Motorcycle Club were originally an all Hispanic Motorcycle Club because the word Vagos in the language of Spanish translates to Traveling Gypsy and Vagabond in the language of English.
  • The Nazi Lowriders are known to have worked for several bands of the Vagos Motorcycle Club in what was formerly known as Lancaster, Kern County in Southern California in the early 1990s.

Hells Angels Motorcycle Club

Lowrider Car Clubs


Nazi Lowriders also have connections with several different Chicano and Chicana Car Clubs from the ancestry of the founders of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club. The founders of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club have ancestry in the United Farm Workers Movement namely where the biological son of the founder of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club has a great grandmother whose name was Georgia Hiawatha Jennings and who greatly assisted in the United Farm Workers of Kern County, Southern California from the 1960s to the 1970s. The United Farm Workers were part of the Chicano Movement in Kern County, Southern California and the Chicano Movement of Southern California is linked to the Chicano Car Clubs.

Georgia Hiawatha Jennings was a partially ancestrally American Indian migrant from the affected areas of the Dust Bowl in Indian Territory which later officialy became known as Oklahoma after 1920. She was also shown in 2 low budget Hollywood Films that were filmed around Bakersfield, Kern County, Southern California in the 1950s and the 1960s. One film was named: Better In Black and she may have been an extra in the original cut of the 1967 Hollywood Film Hells Angels on Wheels in the filming location around Hart Park in East Bakersfield, Southern California, but this was never confirmed by the staff of the film. Jack Nicolson has stated in a video that he does not remember seeing Georgia Hiawatha Jennings on the set of the Hollywood film Hells Angels on Wheels, but she may have been seen walking in the background of the filming location of Hart Park in Kern County, Southern California as the original film showed a theme park there with a roller coaster. It is known that a few Nazi Lowriders and Jack Nicolson have had sex together with call girls in Los Angeles, Southern California. Much of the film Hells Angels on Wheels was recorded in Hart Park in East Bakersfield, Southern California where Georgia Hiawatha Jennings resided during this time.

Gentrification of Cities In Southern California


Nazi Lowriders assisted in the gentrification of several different cities in Los Angeles County, Southern California as well as of several different cities in Kern County, Southern California. Notably Oildale, Southern California and East Bakersfield, Southern California in Kern County, Southern California throughout the 1980s and the early to mid 1990s as well as of several different cities in Los Angeles County, Southern California notably: South Gate, Southern California. Nazi Lowriders assisted in these gentrifications and advancements because it was worth money. The Nazi Lowriders did not start as a Neo-Nazi gang, but it became known as one as it allied with a few Non-Hispanic White gangs of Southern California after 1996.

The film American History X was inspired by the stories of community development and community gentrification of Long Beach, Southern California and of Compton, Southern California by a few fictitious Non-Hispanic White families shown in the film where elements of that fictitious family were based on real families who resided in Long Beach, Southern California.

Long Beach, Southern California is only ~10 miles south of Compton, Southern California and the gang wars between Compton, Southern California and Long Beach, Southern California carried into the 2000s. It was actually the Nazi Lowriders that helped pave the way for the Non-Hispanic Whites to move into Long Beach, Southern California throughout the 1980s and the 1990s. Long Beach, Southern California was gentrified by Non-Hispanic White Southern California gangs known as the Long Beach Gangs.

Kern County, Southern California


The Nazi Lowriders are known to have helped gentrify the town of Oildale, Southern California in Kern County and have formed several gang alliances here throughout the 1990s.

The Nazi Lowriders are known to have helped gentrify the town of Stockdale, Southern California in Kern County and have formed several gang alliances here throughout the 1980s and the 1990s.

The Nazi Lowriders are known to have helped gentrify the town of Lamont, Southern California in Kern County and have formed several gang alliances here throughout the 1990s.

The Nazi Lowriders are known to have helped gentrify the town of Lamont, Southern California in Kern County and have formed several gang alliances here throughout the 1990s.

Los Angeles County, Southern California


The Nazi Lowriders are known to have helped gentrify the town of South Gate, Southern California throughout the 1990s.

The Nazi Lowriders are known to have helped gentrify the town of Valencia, Southern California throughout the 1990s.

The Nazi Lowriders are known to have helped gentrify the town of Santa Monica, Southern California throughout the 1980s and the 1990s and have formed several alliances here with different Pacific Coast Italian Mafia Clans.

The Nazi Lowriders are known to have helped gentrify the town of Long Beach, Southern California throughout the 1980s and the 1990s and have formed several alliances here with different Pacific Coast Non-Hispanic White Gangs.

San Luis Obispo County, Southern California


Ventura County, Southern California


Orange County, Southern California


Notable Nazi Lowriders and Notable Nazi Lowrider Family


There are several notable members of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club as well as notable family members of members of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club.

The Original Nazi Lowriders


The Biological Son of The Founders of The Nazi Lowrider Car Club

  • The biological son of the founders of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club who apparently is part Hispanic has stated as a child that he was ashamed of his Hispanic heritage and his American Indian heritage, but later he stated that he is now glad to know of his Hispanic descent from Spain.
  • In 2008 he began mining BITCoin and acquired several whole BITCoins in addition to paying $1 a piece for 100 whole BITCoins in ~2009. His 100 BITCoins that were purchased were lost online after the year 2009. 100 whole BITCoins as of the year 2025 collectively are worth 10 million United States Dollars.
  • He is known to have talked to Charles Manson at the Dignity Health Memorial Hospital in ~2010 when Charles Manson was hospitalized there. He is known to have stated that he did not believe that Charles Manson was guilty.
  • He is known to have brushed shoulders with several famous and infamous people.
  • He has stated that while he is not against others using drugs, he himself is not a drug user and he likes to keep his body completely healthy.
  • He has stated that he is 100% heterosexual and that although the official social system in place would classify him as being sexually molested by numerous different women growing up, he himself does not feel sexually molested and he loves all of the women he was with sexually when he was a child and a teenager.
  • He has stated that he dislikes, evades, does not communicate with any cops or with any military and he has actively filtered out any influence by leos and military because "they are all spies", and that "the only way anyone can actually kill someone and completely get away with it is when their spies are no longer watching".
  • He has stated that he was never sexually molested by anyone in the Nazi Lowrider Car Club or by any of the members of its car club allies, but when he was 6 years old after a car race between the Nazi Lowriders and a rival car club in East Los Angeles, Southern California his father ordered a teenager chola to suck his son's penis and she did. His son later had a short romantic relationship with her.
  • He has stated that he was ordered to marry a French-Californian princess with authentic royal French ancestry when he was 7 or 8 years old who was a few years older than him, but they were later separated.
  • He has stated in the year 2014 that he no longer calls upon any law enforcement in any circumstance because they: "get paid tax payer money to protect and serve themselves and their families and they don't give a shit about anyone else anyway"... and the phrase: "to protect and serve" actually means to protect the court they work for and to serve the paperwork of the court they work for. It does not actually mean to protect and serve the community... because they don't, and what they actually do is cover up all of eachother's crimes with phony documentation anyway so that means that there is absolutely no reason to trust law enforcement or trust the government and even if there was a reason to: don't.
  • He has stated that he is not a member of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club and he is not a member of any other gang, but his biological parents are the founders of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club.
  • He has stated that because he looks like a model naturally and he has been accussed by corrupt law enforcement and enemy gangs as having received or undergone plastic surgery to look like a model because they are jealous of him. He stated that he is 100% natural born male and he has never received any kind of facial surgeries or any plastic surgeries because plastic surgery involves placing plastic in the face in a surgery and anyone who receives plastic surgery can be punched in the face to break all of the plastic in their face. He proved that he never received any kind of surgeries like that in order to rebut any statements made by enemies. He also proved that he can always prove that he is the real person and that he is the same person from when he was a child and from when he was born because he attended 2 private schools in youth in Kern County, Southern California in addition to everyone in his hometown in Kern County, Southern California knowing about him and they can always prove that he is the real person. He is of partial Hispanic ancestry.

Street Wars and Street Battles


Nazi Lowriders have been seen in numerous street wars and numerous street battles throughout Southern California noticed from the 1970s and onward.

Years Noticed


Ended With Alliances

  • ~ [ 1980-? ] Nazi Lowriders Verus Sureños of Southern California - Ended In Truce and Later An Alliance

Ended In Truces

  • ~ [ 1980-2005 ] Nazi Lowriders Versus Cripps - Ended In Truces With Different Cripp Groups In Southern California
  • ~ [ 1980-? ] Nazi Lowriders Versus Northern Sinaloa Cartel of Southern California - Ended In Truce
  • ~ [ 1997-2002 ] Nazi Lowriders Versus Tijuana Mexican Cartel - Ended In Truce


  • ~ [ 2005-2016 ] Nazi Lowriders Versus U.S. Marines - Unknown

Ongoing Wars

  • ~ [ 1980-Present-Day ] Nazi Lowriders Versus Bloods - War Ongoing

Enemy Tactics


Doppelgänger Attacks and Identity Takeovers

  • Nazi Lowriders, especially the biological son of the founder of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club have experienced doppelgänger attacks and identity fraud. Identity fraud by doppelgänger's involves a lookalike of that person that moves into a house in the same area as the person that looks like them and then begins to use their identity in the same locations in order to trick the U.S. Government identity systems on record as well as to trick the U.S. Government about the whereabouts of the person by last-known-whereabouts techniques. Killing someone and taking over their identity is actually a very simple and straightforward process. For instance: if the target looks enough like the person they are going to kill and if the target does not smile and show their teeth and their ears in their identity card picture one can kill that person and take over their identity because the cameras only take a picture of the front of the face and the teeth are not legally identified on that specific record at that point-in-time or they could cut off the nose of the person that looks like them so they cannot be legally identified and then proceed to takeover the identity. If a person goes to get an identity card in the legal name of the target person that looks like them and with the same U.S. State Issued Identification Number as the target person that looks like them and if that person smiles in the photograph and shows their teeth in the picture that is then stored in the identity card database that person can then proceed to kill the target lookalike and take over their identity and begin living the identity on record anywhere because that person showed their teeth and their ears in the picture on the identity card and the target person did not. This is possible because civilian identity databases such as Department of Motor Vehicle State Identity Card processes do not take a picture of the side of the head, instead they only take a picture of the front of the face therefore if there is a doppelgänger of the person the doppelgänger of that person could cut the target person's nose off and take over their identity. Now, the lookalike cannot legally claim to be the person in the picture on the identity card because they did not show their teeth or their ears in the photograph and you did. Legal identity takeovers are usually more complicated than this, but it is also possible that N.C. law enforcement conspired to kill people in the Nazi Lowrider Car Club as early as 2003 as they might be linked to a rival car club based in the U.S. State of Tennessee who deal drugs with the help of Southern U.S. African-American gang members. It is highly likely that certain N.C. law enforcement spied on the 14 year old son of the founder of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club and his 15 year old girlfriend / cholita over the Internet in ~2001 as one of them traveled to Bakersfield, Kern County in Southern California and proceeded to the Department of Motor Vehicles and got an identity card in the real persons information by using his birth certificate and social security card in the year ~2008 and a few doppelgängers did the same thing to him before N.C. law enforcement did that. This is a California State Felony.

Biological Warfare Food Safety Attacks In Kern County

  • Nazi Lowriders fight enemy food safety tactics and enemy biological warfare tactics every day. Biological warfare tactics by enemies involve enemies ejaculating into the food at the grocery stores and creating foods that look the exact same as the real foods, but are instead made of ejaculation, saliva and other bodily fluids that are freeze dried. Switching out of cans of food at the stores with re-sealed canned food containing bodily fluids, infected bodily fluids such as: infected and diseased blood and / or poisons such as: Ricin and / or other poisons.

U.S. Military Torture Tactics

  • Nazi Lowriders, especially the biological son of the founders of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club have experienced U.S. Military Torture Tactics. These torture tactics include the drugging of a person to drive them insane while trafficking them around town and not allowing them to sleep or if they manage to fall asleep they walk by and make loud noises or tap on surfaces to deprive that person of any sleep. These tactics slowly drive a target insane. Other tactics involve water and moisture attacks in the open to suffocate the person. Herf-gun and radio-jamming of electronics and other areas.

Human Trafficking, Drugging and Confusion Tactics

  • Nazi Lowriders, especially the biological son of the founders of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club have experienced drugging and confusion tactics by enemy groups. These tactics include being drugged by enemy groups and confused in attempts to traffick them to areas where they could kill them when no one is around. Nazi Lowriders are trained to defeat enemy human trafficking networks that drug people to control them by using mind control drugs such as Scopolomine Powder also known as Devil's Breath.

Drug Cartel Drugging Tactics

  • Drug Cartels whether Mexican or otherwise are known to drug their targets with different kinds of drugs in order to win. Fighting the drugging tactics by the enemy drug cartels is an every day task. Drugging tactics invlolve enemy drug cartels drugging the food and the drinks of their targets, walking up to their targets and sticking them with syringes filled with drugs in order to make the target pass out and placing drugged rags over their targets faces. Nazi Lowriders are known to have truces with several different drug cartels in Southern California. The Hell's Angels for instance of Southern California are classified as a drug cartel by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency.

Source Manipulation

  • Nazi Lowriders, especially the biological son of the founders of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club experience Source Manipulation by enemy gangs, enemy cartels and enemy law enforcement. Source manipulation involves writing information down with cited sources or video recorded statements where the sources can be changed in the future in order to trick anyone looking at it when others are not. Source manipulation also involves doppelgängers of people such as family, friends, sexual partners, food items, property, money and more. Cropping of people into images to make it look like they know the person by showing people on the Internet and tricking an entire community into thinking they know that person so they can approach that person in real life to do them harm.

Documented Traceback Manipulation

  • Nazi Lowriders, especially the biological son of the founders of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club experience something called: Documented Traceback Manipulation which is a phrase that refers to tactics employed by enemy gangs, enemy cartels and enemy law enforcement that manipulate the documented traceback of a human being to a location so they can kill them in front of everyone and cover it up. Documented traceback is showing the entire system where you are currently located at any given time so friends, family and others on your team can find you at that moment in time or by last-known-whereabouts. Documented traceback techniques include swiping a credit card / debit card at the store and showing your identity card to the cameras so the video cameras can see the address, face, name and other information on it. Connecting traceback documentation on a daily basis is an advanced technique to beat all of the enemy gang, enemy cartel and enemy law enforcement tactics to kill a target. When a person can no longer show where they are at or prove where they are located at on a legal record or to friends and family anyone can kill them and cover it up at that exact point-in-time, because there is no longer any proof that they exist. If the enemies know where to find their records they can find them and destroy them so there is no longer any proof that person existed at all.

Facial Warping

  • The biological son of the founders of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club experiences facial warping where enemy groups make him sick on a day to day basis in Kern County, Southern California in order to warp his face.

'Hacking Attacks

  • Nazi Lowriders experience hacking attacks from enemy gangs and enemy cartels on a daily basis. In response to this they created a highly secure system to secure from these enemy tactics.

Nazi Lowriders Ally With Cartel de Durango

  • Nazi Lowriders are known to have allied with several small bands of the Cartel de Durango of Kern County, Southern California in the late 1980s and the early 1990s.

Nazi Lowriders Ally With The Southern California Sinaloa Cartel ( Sureñs of Lamont )

  • Nazi Lowriders are known to have allied with several small bands of Sureños and Sureñas of Lamont, Kern County, Southern California and of Arvin, Kern County, Southern California throughout the 1980s and the 1990s. Sureños and Sureñas are the male and female people that make up the Sinaloa Cartel of Southern California. The Nazi Lowriders are also known to have assisted the escape of incarcerated ( ? ) Cartel members in Sonora, México in the mid 1990s.

Nazi Lowriders Ally With The Santa Monica Italian Mafia


Nazi Lowriders Ally With Hells Angels of Oildale and of Long Beach

  • Nazi Lowriders are known to have formed an official alliance with several small bands of the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club of Oildale, Southern California and the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club of Long Beach, Southern California in ~ 1999.

Nazi Lowriders Propose Alliance With Laotian-American Mafia of Southern California

  • Nazi Lowriders are known to have proposed an alliance with several small bands of the Laotian-American Mafia of Kern County, Southern California and of Los Angeles County, Southern California who are not affiliated with or connected with any bloods gangs in the late 1990s and again the the early 2020s.

Nazi Lowriders Versus Cripps


Nazi Lowriders Versus Unknown Enemy Gang On State Road

  • Nazi Lowriders were seen in gun battles with an enemy gang on State Road in Oildale, Southern California in ~1995 and another series of shootings in ~1996. Kern County Sheriff Department helicopters and the Bakersfield news stations helicopters responded to the incidents.

Nazi Lowriders Versus Northern Sinaloa Cartel

  • Nazi Lowriders are known to have been in and have been seen in several shootouts with the Sinaloa Cartel in and around the city of South Gate in Los Angeles County, Southern California throughout the 1980s and the 1990s over different disputes where news stations have responded to these incidents. There are several different families in the Sinaloa Cartel. The Sinaloa Cartel is divided among the Northern California Sinaloa Cartel and the Southern California Sinaloa Cartel. The Northern California Sinaloa Cartel are known as Norteños and Norteñas and the Southern California Sinaloa Cartel are known as the Sureños and the Sureñas.

Nazi Lowriders Versus Norteños

  • Nazi Lowriders were known to have battled Norteños in Kern County, Southern California and in Fresno County, Southern California in the 1990s where news stations have responded to these incidents. The altercations ended in several truces with the Norteño gangs. Several other truces were made between the Nazi Lowriders and different Norteño gangs and different Norteña gangs on the basis of the biological son of the founders of the Nazi Lowriders being sexually molested by a Norteña which is a female Hispanic member of a Norteña gang. California State Law determines that he was sexually molested by that female Hispanic Norteña because he was a child and she was in her late 20s. This female Hispanic Norteña was a bonafide member of the Sinaloa Cartel of Northern California in the early years of the 1990s and he witnessed her killing. This was the basis of one of his conversations later on with a high ranking boss of the Sinaloa Cartel in Southern California in approximately ~1997 which established a truce with the Nazi Lowriders.

Nazi Lowriders Versus Tijuana Mexican Cartel


Spark of The Wars Between The Nazi Lowriders and The Tijuana Mexican Cartel

  • The 11 year old son of the founders of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club was repeatedly drugged and sexually molested by a Non-Black Hispanic female member of the Crips of East Bakersfield, Southern California who also had membership in the Tijuana Mexican Cartel which is also known as the Tijuana Cartel and who might have targeted the Nazi Lowriders in ~1997. It was unknown to the Nazi Lowrider family that she was a member of the female Hispanic Crips until after the incidents. Kern County authorities later proved that they exchanged phone calls talking about sex and she would take him to East Bakersfield, Southern California and sexually molested him. His grandmother caught her giving him oral sex in Central Oildale, Southern California. The East Bakersfield Crips instantly declared a truce with the Nazi Lowriders over the child molestation case after another member spoke to her family in East Bakersfield, Southern California. This started a small war between the Nazi Lowriders and the Tijuana Cartel where that son was later ordered by senior membership to stab a Tijuana Cartel Plaza Boss who lived on the border of San Diego, Southern California and Tijuana, México and who facilitated drugs and humans across the border of México and into the United States. The Nazi Lowriders traveled to San Diego, Southern California and confronted that Tijuana Mexican Cartel Plaza Boss and the child that was sexually molested stabbed that Tijuana Cartel Plaza Boss in the side. Law Enforcement later confirmed the stabbing. This small war between the Nazi Lowriders and the Tijuana Cartel ended in a truce in ~2002. The son of the founders of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club was taken away from his family and placed in Child Protective Custody after his mother was seen in a shootout in Oildale, California in ~1997. The local Bakersfield television news stations responded to the incident.
  • The son of the founders of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club later had a non-violent altercation with the Tijuana Cartel around San Diego, Southern California and Orange County, Southern California in 2022.

Nazi Lowriders Versus Northern Pacific Italian Mafia

  • Nazi Lowriders are known to have had bouts with the Italian Mafia of the Northern Pacific Region stretching from Northern-California to Central-Oregon. Two Nazi Lowriders were seen chasing after Italian Mafia members on the Amtrak Train from Bakersfield, Southern California to Central-Oregon in 2017 and one of the Nazi Lowriders were hospitalized in Seattle, Washington in 2017. The incident was captured on video at the stores around Downtown Fresno, Southern California and several days later in Downtown Seattle, Washington.

Nazi Lowriders Versus U.S. Marines

  • In 2005 the U.S. Marines attempted a covert infiltration of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club and the Nazi Lowrider Prison Gang by using the identity of the son of one of the founders of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club while they repeatedly drugged him around Oildale, Southern California.
  • The U.S. Marines are seen in several videos calling on the Nazi Lowriders in East Los Angles, Southern California and in the other recorded media the U.S. Marines are defeated by the Nazi Lowriders and the Sinaloa Cartel in East Los Angeles, Southern California.
  • In several videos that were recorded by the rogue U.S. Marines and uploaded to the Internet show several U.S. Marines masterbating in public parks in and around Bakersfield, Southern California from ~2008 ? Where the rogue U.S. Marines then sent the video links to the Kern County Sheriff Office Online Reporting System. The rogue U.S. Marines were using the names of several dead Nazi Lowriders when they made the fraudulent reports online. The altercations with the U.S. Marines and their attempted infiltrations of this car club dealt a crippling blow to the Nazi Lowrider Car Club by the year of 2015.

Nazi Lowriders Versus Texas Gangs and North Carolina Gangs In Northern Oildale

  • In ~2008 the Nazi Lowriders are seen in a series of videos that show them fighting Non-Hispanic White Texas gang members and Non-Hispanic White North Carolina gang members who kept claiming to be members of the Hells Angels/Aryan Brotherhood and were not. The videos show the Nazi Lowriders knocking on the door of the apartment lived in by one of the opponents where they walk into the apartment and proceed to anally rape that opponent. Another video shows the local Hells Angels chapter of Oildale jacking off into a 1 gallon jug where they then proceed into the apartment and force that opponent to drink the 1 gallon of ejaculation. The opponents moved away and returned with more of their families in 2013 and they released videos of themselves having anal sex with each other in order to confuse the querying of the original videos to make it look like they were in the Hells Angels if anyone looked it up. They're not. They moved out of the apartments again in 2013 and moved back into the apartments in 2020. The entire area by North High School in Oildale, Southern California is now under invasion by these gangs. In 2005 a Non-Hispanic White and balding individual with blue eye color and 3 U.S. Marines threatned to kill the son of the founder of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club by cutting off his nose and head so he could not legally prove he was the "guy in the picture" on his California I.D. card. The balding Non-Hispanic White individual proceeded and stole his California I.D. card. They may have been spying on this Nazi Lowrider family from the Internet starting from the years of 2001 or 2003.
  • The relative of the son of the founder of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club was also seen in the original video recorded in the area in ~2007 - ~2008 where that member is wearing Vagos Motorcycle Club jacket addressing the son of the founder of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club telling him not to go to the shown area in the video after 2016 or he would be drugged by the enemies, confused and forced to wander because they planned on moving back into the apartments there after having rehearsed 2 times what they were planning to do to targets in the area.
  • These incidents were tied to the attempted infiltration of the U.S. Marines and other gangs into the Nazi Lowrider Car Club from ~2006 and onward. The incidents also involve an Irish-American girl completely unaffiliated with the Nazi Lowriders who is probably related to a U.S. Marine. The girl was shun away by the 20 and half year old son of the founder of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club in 2007 after returning home to Bakersfield, Kern County, Southern California and who was previously illegally drugged by the U.S. Marines / U.S. Navy. The biological son of the founder of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club attempted to court the Irish-American girl, but the U.S. Marine doppelgänger who followed him home found out where he lived and took the girl.

Nazi Lowriders Versus Hackers and Invading Forces In Bakersfield

  • The founders of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club recorded videos for their son from the years of ~2007 to ~2010 where the videos show their son and other Nazi Lowrider families how to build a lowrider from scratch and how to run the syndicate. Showing love for their son. The videos were found online by hackers and enemy gangs where they cut up all of the original videos and used DeepFakes, FaceApp and other software to try and crop themseleves into the videos while network blocking the son from seeing the altered versions of the videos. If one closely studies the videos they will see that they even employed doppelgängers and cut up the videos to try and make it look like the'yre in the videos or that are addressed at them or at the enemy gang members, they're not. Their son is fully recognized all throughout Southern California and does not have any Italian or Irish ancestry or any ancestry from Texas. Their son is partially Hispanic, Mestizo / American Indian and Non-Hispanic White, but then again so is every person with ancestry from Mexico and the areas now known as California State. Almost every person with ancestry from the areas now known as Mexico and the areas known as California State are partially Hispanic ( ancestry from Spain ), partially Mesitzo / American Indian ( ancestry from Indigenous America ).

Nazi Lowriders Versus Hackers

  • Nazi Lowriders are known to have engaged in a digital war with hackers where they drew out several hackers in the real world from 2009 - 2013. Several collections of videos show the Nazi Lowriders engaging in digital wars with computer hackers where these hackers were drawn out, found and defeated in Southern California.

Kidnappings of Nazi Lowrider Members and Nazi Lowrider Family Members


Cases of Kidnappings of The Son of The Founder of The Nazi Lowriders

  • In 2012 it is possible that the son of the founder of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club was kidnapped and drugged for several weeks in an apartment in East Bakersfield in a local conspiracy in order to find out information. It was observed that several women went in and out of the apartment and several BPD officers went in and out of the apartment.


  • The son of the founder of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club has been incarcerated several times in an ultra low security facility designed for the mentally ill in South Bakersfield, Kern County, Southern California several times betwen the years of 2007 and 2020. This location has a small court with judges for the mentally disabled. He was also incarcerated in a similar location in Oxnard, Ventura County, Southern California several times when he was a teenager. He was illegally held against his will in a group home for teenage males in San Diego, San Diego County, Southern California.
  • The founder of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club has been incarcerated in Southern California in ?



Current and Former Alliances


Street Gangs

  • Specific bands of Sureños and Sureñas of Southern California
  • Specific bands of Laotian Gangs and specific bands of Laotian Mafia of Southern California ( Non-Bloods // Non-Cripps ~ Southern West-Coast Alliances )
  • Specific bands of the Kern River Gang of Oildale, Southern California

Motorcycle Clubs

Lowrider Car Clubs


Southern California Cartels

  • Cártel de Durango de Kern County, Southern California
  • Cártel de Castéc de Southern California
  • Cártel de Pismo de Southern California
  • Cártel de Saint Clarita de Southern California
  • Cártel de Florence de Southern California


  • Oklevueha Native American Church of Southern California

American Indian Tribes

  • Official Tejon Indian Tribe of Southern California
  • Official White-Mountain Apache American Indian Tribe of New México
  • Official Apache American Indian Band of Sonora, México

Current and Former Rivals


Current and Former Enemies


Former Enemies

  • Specific Crips of Southern California

Current Enemies

Current and Former Truces


Northern California Gangs

  • Norteños and Norteñas of Southern-California, of Central-California and of Northern-California

Cripps / Crips

  • Culver City Crips of Culver City in Los Angeles, Southern California
  • Venice City Crips of Venice City in Los Angeles, Southern California
  • East Bakersfield Crips of East Bakersfield, Southern California

Criminal Activities


Notable Crimes


In Popular Culture


Nazi Lowriders are well known in popular culture in Southern California. The founders of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club and their biological son have been approached for media coverage in different vehicle media and computer related media organizations namely Cyberpunks for his computer programming ventures as a teenager and Lowrider Magazines of Southern California for the ultra custom and all mechanical Lowriders engineered by the Nazi Lowriders. It is known that the Nazi Lowriders have been offered media coverage by Hollywood, Southern California media organizations connected to film actors such as Edward Furlong and Jamie Lee Curtis, but mostly have declined. The founders of the Nazi Lowriders have stated that they do not like media coverage.

In Hollywood, Southern California Film

  • In the 2010 crime film Shot Caller, Jacob "Money" Harlon briefly has a cellmate named Ripper (played by Keith Jardine) who is a member of the Nazi Lowriders Prison Gang, sporting an "NLR" tattoo across his forehead.

Sources and Citations


There are several inauthentic sources about the Nazi Lowriders that are available on the Internet that are used to cite statements here and elsewhere. The Nazi Lowriders did not start as a Neo-Nazi Gang or a Neo-Nazi Prison Gang and the Nazi Lowriders have never operated outside of Southern California and they do not operate outside of Southern California. Literally stated: The Nazi Lowriders do not operate in any U.S. State or in any U.S. Territory exept for the U.S. State of California. Some fraudulent and phony sources here claim that the Nazi Lowriders operate in the U.S. State of Texas, they don't. Another phony source claims that the Nazi Lowriders operate in the U.S. State of Florida, they don't. The U.S. State of Florida are lived in primarily by Haitain Bloods and the entire U.S. State of Florida are enemies of the U.S. State of California.

Authentic Sources On Nazi Lowriders


Secondary Sources


  • [1990 - 1992] Magazine :: Nazi Lowriders :: Lowrider Magazine of Southern California


  • [2008 - 2010] Film :: Documentary :: Nazi Lowriders :: The Rise and Fall of The Nazi Lowriders



Inauthentic / Fraudlent Internet Sources On Nazi Lowriders


Sources That Need Analysis From Leadership





Nazi Lowriders
Emblem of the Nazi Lowriders, based on the Reichsadler symbol
FoundedLate 1960s
Founding locationSouthern California, United States
Years active1960s – Present-Day
TerritoryPrimarily Southern California
EthnicityWhite Hispanic, White American
Membership (est.)1,000
ActivitiesDrug Trafficking, Extortion, Armed Robbery, Assault, Murder, Identity Fraud, Money Laundering

NLRCMS / CerberusCMS Developement


Mathematics Papers

The Nazi Lowriders are a criminal syndicate and a Lowrider Car Club that are based in Southern California and are active only in Southern California. Nazi Lowriders are also known collectively as The NLR and are also collectively known as The Ride of Nazi Lowriders.

Origins of The Nazi Lowriders


The Nazi Lowriders were formed in Kern County, Southern California and in Los Angeles County, Southern California in the late 1960s as a gang of members who owned Chevrolet Lowrider vehicles with origins in the Southern California Lowrider Car Culture Community. They were first documented by U.S. Law Enforcement authorities on the border of East Los Angeles, Southern California and in Kern County, Southern California in the mid 1970s.

The name of this gang was originally a play on words on rival Hispanic Car Club names as being the most Racially Pure out of all of the Hispanic Car Clubs in Southern California as the gang fought their enemy Hispanic Lowrider Gangs and overcame their rival Hispanic Lowrider Gangs in Southern California. The U.S. Legal System that was constructed and formed in Southern California throughout the 1950s by invading Non-Hispanic White Population Groups into Southern California favored the racially pure over all other ethnic groups. The Nazi Lowriders did not start as a Neo-Nazi Gang, they started as a Hispanic Lowrider Car Club and the founder is / was known to be part Hispanic.

Nazi Lowriders formed their own Prison Gang in Southern California in the late 1970s as they were incarcerated for street crimes and they later in 1997 formed a small temporary alliance with the original members of the Aryan Brotherhood of Southern California after the 11 year old biological son of the founder of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club spoke to a high ranking boss of the Sinaloa Cartel in Southern California and later as a 13 year old he spoke to a Captain of the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club as the Nazi Lowriders gained more membership, but not from the Hells Angels membership base. It was later revealed that the U.S. Navy was surveilling that Sinaloa Cartel Boss' residence in Southern California before and after these visits and discussions. When he was 15 years old he spoke to a Lieutenant and a General of the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club who offered him membership, but he has clearly stated that he declined membership in the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club.

The Hells Angels of Southern California had discussed either buying the name of this Car Club or temporarily change alliances for the sake of several small towns in Southern California lived in by allied gangs. The son of the founder of the Nazi Lowriders decided to temporarily add alliances to the Nazi Lowrider Car Club for the fate of several small towns in Southern California where enemy groups wanted to sell off pieces of California to the enemies of California who were not from California. The founder of the Nazi Lowriders Car Club and his biological son have admitted to being anti-Italian, anti-Irish, anti-Russian and against the immigration of several different ethnic population groups into Southern California namely from Southern Non-Hispanic White population groups because the Nazi Lowriders are part Hispanic and because the Nazi Lowriders are descended multi-generationally from California. Citing the partial Mexican-Hispanic ethnicity of Edward Furlong. Instead he decided to form a temporary alliance with the existing population groups in Southern California having already been a longtime ally of several different Chicano and Chicana Car Clubs in Southern California as well as of the Chicanos.

The Nazi Lowrider Car Club and the Nazi Lowrider Prison Gang are the same and these entities were not founded by John Stinson or by the Aryan Brotherhood and in fact the Nazi Lowriders existed in Southern California long before the founding of the Aryan Brotherhood in Southern California. Originally, the Nazi Lowriders were formed as a White-Hispanic Car Club of Southern California in the late 1960s and the 1970s.

Collected verifiable media and verifiable video footage in Southern California namely from Lowrider Magazine of Southern California as well as from video news reports from Video News Reporting Agencies in Los Angeles, Southern California show the Nazi Lowriders in street races near Boyle Heights in East Los Angeles, Southern California in the early 1990s as well as in Super Sport Lowrider Car Shows in Central Los Angeles, Southern California and near West Los Angeles, Southern California in the mid 1990s to the mid 2000s.

Number of Official Members of The Nazi Lowrider Car Club


By 1993 and 1994 Southern California Law Enfocement had documented 28 known and official members of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club in Los Angeles, Southern California. From 1999 to 2008 law enforcement evaluated the number of members of the Nazi Lowriders that were incarcerated in Southern California Prisons as more were recruited by senior membership. It is currently unknown how many members there are of the Nazi Lowriders, but the California Gang Task Forces provided an estimate in 2009 and this estimate by the California Gang Task Forces do not mean that they are correct about the number of members of the Nazi Lowriders.

History of The Waves of Immigration Into California and The Formation of California Street Gangs


Non-Hispanic White street gangs and African-American street gangs did not actually exist in Southern California before or during the arrival of Non-Hispanic Whites and African-Americans into Southern California and the waves of immigration of Non-Hispanic Whites into Southern California from the 1920s to the 1960s. The town of Compton, in Southern California was originally a Non-Hispanic White neighborhood from the 1940s to the late 1960s before it became incorporated into the County of Los Angeles afterwhich a wave of African-Americans moved in and slowly overtook the area and were visibly seen as a street gang known as the Cripps which is a word that is usually shortened to Crips where then after the formation of the Cripps the Bloods then began as a new branch of the Cripps that also visibly showed a force in these areas throughout the 1980s. During the immigration of African-Americans into Compton, Southern California they were segregated to their own side of this town that were collectively called The Pits and The Slums of Compton until they overtook the entire town to the border of the city of South Gate, Southern California throughout the 1980s and into the 1990s. Primary immigration of the African-American population groups into these areas in Southern California come from the U.S. State of Louisiana from the 1970s to the 1990s.

The Bloods were originally a cultural part of the Cripps. The Cripps were slowly forced to move away from Compton, Los Angeles in Southern California throughout the late 1990s to the early to mid 2000s while they were at occupational war with invading enemy Hispanic gangs. The Cripps gang were founded by Hispanics before they began recruiting African-Americans in the 1970s. In the late 1990s it was revealed to the rest of the Los Angeles gangland that the Cripps were in fact formed by Hispanics while they used African-American gang members as a visible and showable force.

The primary waves of immigration of Non-Hispanic Whites into Southern California began after the 1930s and included numerous waves of immigration of Non-Hispanic Whites from the Southern-Central United States namely from Oklahoma and affected areas of the Dust Bowl. California State Law was previously ennacted from the 1930s to the 1950s to illegalize the immigration of any Americans from other U.S. States into California and Spanish California did not actually end socially until the early 1900s. Every U.S. State west of the New England Colony States became a recognized and ratified U.S. State after the early to mid 1900s. Oklahoma State for instance was not actually a recognized and ratified U.S. State until after 1920 because it was still called Indian Territory while the U.S. maintained efforts of colonizing Indian Territory and everything west of Indian Territory by White Settlers.

The U.S. Social Security Number was not introduced to U.S. Citizens until the mid 1930s and the program was not widely forced into the U.S. population until the 1950s. The Dust Bowl of the areas of Oklahoma brought waves of surviving American Indians as well as Non-Hispanic Whites from the areas known as Indian Territory into Southern California beginning in the mid 1930s. While the U.S. encouraged expansion and settling in and further west of Indian Territory most of California safeguarded its territorial borders and restricted immigration from other U.S. territories. The dominating social force in California was known as the Californias and Arizona and New Mexico during these years were still lived in primarily by Southern-Western American Indian Tribes that traveled in small bands. Most American Indians of what is now known as the South-West United States moved away to areas in México after battling with the U.S. Military Forces in the early 1900s and before regaining their land and establishing treaties with the U.S. Government throughout the 1970s. The American Indian Movement in Arizona and New México reclaimed American Indian Land throughout the 1970s and established new treaties with the U.S. Government.

Italians and Italian-Americans did not actually begin waves of immigration into California until after the 1950s and the migration of the affected of the Dust Bowl did not have any Italian population groups because the U.S. government did not allow Italians or Italian-Americans to claim any land in the Oklahoma Land Rush or in any Indian Territory because none of them actually lived in the U.S. and none of them fought in any of the wars for U.S. President Andrew Jackson, and war participation was required in order to apply for and secure land ownership in Indian Territory by those White European Settlers under the Indian Territory Land Claims Acts / Land Rushes known as the Sooner Land Rush and the Oklahoma Land Rush.

In military terminology Occupation refers to agendized groups of people who literally move into the houses in the area or else into the area in order to take over the area while they go to war with the local population groups, kill them off and then move more allies into that area in order to own that area in every way possible.

The primary waves of concentrated illegal immigration of Non-Latino Slav ( Slavic ), ( Russians, Ukrainians, Eastern Europeans ) and Latino-Slav as well as Armenians into Southern California did not actually begin until the early to mid 2000s as they began colonizing areas in Central America and South America and began traveling north to the borders of the U.S. and México to then illegally enter into Southern California.

The original Californians were known as the Californianos and the Californianas who had multi-generational ancestral descent from the Spanish Empire in the Californias.

The original American Indians in the areas that are now known as California were the American Indigenous People who lived all throughout the easily accessible areas of what is now known as California because they did not have access to horses or carriages and no roads existed for them travel long distance. They were mostly concentrated along the coastal areas of California where there were easily accessible fishing. Horses were not actually brought into the Pacific Americas en mass until after the 18th century where they then bred Spanish horses and ponies in California.

Waves of immigration of Central Americans and South Americans into California did not actually begin until after the 1960s, but some of these population groups existed in California in small numbers. While Latinos and Latinas can claim American Indigenous heritage because they descend ancestrally from Indigenous groups of Central America and South America they cannot claim to have been in California before the 1850s because there were no means to transport them in large groups even by Spanish ships that sailed the Pacific Coastlines. Instead, the Spanish put to work in California the Indigenous of the areas of what is now known as Northern México.

Nearly every gang in California was formed together and is held together by ethnic and racial group sameness.

History and Origins In The Southern California Hispanic Lowrider Car Culture


The phrase: Nazi Lowrider is a phrase that was coined by the founder of this Car Club as members of this Car Club went to war with their enemy gangs notably the gang known as the Cripps which is a word that is usually shortened to the word Crips and is a gang that was and is exclusively based in Southern California. The Nazi Lowriders also went to war with the Cripp counterpart gangs that are known as the Bloods all throughout the 1980s in Southern California and later they went to war with the Cripp owned Car Club collectively known as the Druid Car Club all throughout the 1990s and the early to mid 2000s. Many of the original Cripp gang members were part Hispanic and or mixed with Hispanic and African heritage whereas the members of the Nazi Lowriders were more racially pure than all others out of all of the Lowrider Car Clubs in Southern California, hence the phrase: Nazi Lowrider.

The Nazi Lowriders became known as pioneers of street craft in Southern California Gangland as they allied with Sureños groups. Street craft includes killing enemies by drive-by gunfire and then disposing of the bodies by placing the body into a metal barrel and then by dumping the body into a water canal where the water would slowly dissolve the body into bones over 1 year of flowing water through the canal.

The Cripps later formed more alliances with the Latin-American community in Southern California whereas the Nazi Lowriders formed more alliances with the existing Non-Hispanic White communities in Southern California and the existing White-Hispanic communities in Southern California.

The words Latino and Latina refer to people with Latin-American heritage. Latin-American countries are all of the countries that are south of the country of México. While Méxicans can be considered Hispanic because they speak a dialect of the language of Spanish not all Méxican Citizens or Méxican Nationals have origins from the country of México and many Méxicans have both American Indigenous and Spanish ( From Spain ) heritage whereas Californianos and Californianas which are technically multi-generational Californians and are people that descend from the era of Spanish California. Chicanos and Chicanas are a completely different Hispanic group.

Differences In Hispanic Groups


Unique Contributions To The Lowrider Car Culture of Southern California


The founder of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club can be seen with his biological son and his woman in their unique Chevrolet Lowrider vehicle in the 1990, 1991 issues of Lowrider Magazine of Southern California.

Nazi Lowriders contributed significant advancements to the Lowrider Car Culture of Southern California most notably the extended hydraulic suspension engineering schemes where some of their lowrider cars could extend up to 25 feet or more into the air where members could jump through second-story hotel and motel windows to fight enemies as well as to collect money and Nazi Lowrider' Lowriders that were seen between the 1980s and the 1990s were extremely unique. They also wrote advanced custom web application software from the late 1990s to the mid 2000s that could run from any Internet Web Browser where that web application software would automatically resize itself to any electronic device display resolution including from low budget and quickly disposable mobile cell phone devices where any of the members could send messages to all members at the same time as well as to any other member specifically to request pick up anywhere including by G.P.S. Location, quickly send orders, make VoIP phone calls, sell cannabis drug products and more.

This was extremely useful for members to communicate long distance in group chats supporting up to several hundred members simultaneously where S.M.S., M.M.S. and early publicly accessible social media platforms limited communication speed while traveling with a mobile electronic cell phone or a mobile electronic laptop or notebook computer. This ennabled members to compete with and defeat all enemy gangs in Southern California. The web application software was also very useful for Nazi Lowriders who traveled in groups through Los Angeles County, Southern California and Kern County, Southern California. Copies of this software were given to the allies of the Nazi Lowriders where the allies then continued development of it into their own versions.

Nazi Lowrider Software


The Nazi Lowrider Web Application known with Unix Name: NaziLowriderCMS and NLRCMS began development by the biological son of the founders of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club when he was ~13 years old in the year 2000. NaziLowriderCMS receives its downstream from the same web application project known as CerberusCMS which was also officially registered in the year 2000 in Oildale, Kern County, Southern California by the biological son of the founders of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club when he was ~13 years old. The Vagos Motorcycle Club requested a development version from him over the Internet in the year ~2001. The web application was originally meant to provide quick, long distance communication over the Internet to Nazi Lowriders after pager devices were phased out of Los Angeles, Southern California.

The Vagos Motorcycle Club and the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club were known to have developed a version of this web application software in 2014 where it could compete with the Meta owned Ray-Ban Smart Glasses Platform.

From 2020 to 2025 the Nazi Lowriders spent another $800 U.S.D. every 28 - 31 days for 48 months equaling approximately $38,000 to $40,000 United States Dollars developing a new base version of this web application software that is now 250,000 lines of programming code and is based on the original web application software programming code logic that was developed between the years of 2000 to 2005. This web application software is now a fully featured and privately accessible social media platform where all members of the Nazi Lowriders can communicate in mass with each other long distance anywhere they are at instantly. This web application software combined with custom encryption mathematics hosted on parallel web servers connected to combined satellite internet and hardline at home defeats all eavesdropping and all spying. All publicly accessible social media platforms namely: Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, Instagram and others in these categories are backdoored and they also allow any law enforcement and any government agencies to actively spy on the private conversations, intercept conversations, pretend to be the conversation participants and more.

This web application software supports all newly released smart glasses ( regardless of the manufacturer ) with live voice and live video transmission directly to the member profile along with encrypted voice and encrypted video communication directly from the smart glasses. The software also tracks every lowrider and every electronic device connected to it that has a real G.P.S. chip built into it at intervals of every 2 seconds. Every 2 seconds of movement of the lowrider as well as every electronic device that is connected to it is logged to the unique member profile with Latitude, Longitude, Altitude-To-Sea-Level and device sensor coordinates down to a radius of 3 - 7 feet where every vehicle and every electronic device can also be traced by every other Nazi Lowrider step-by-step every 2 seconds in a 24 hour log file. Nazi Lowriders can trace every other Nazi Lowrider every 2 seconds with last known whereabouts. For instance: if any Nazi Lowrider uses this system all other Nazi Lowriders can see their exact location by G.P.S. coordinates down to a radius of 3 - 7 feet every 2 seconds and they can always work off of their last known wereabouts to find them in person. This web application is approximately 250,000 lines of quality and completely functional programming code as of the year 2025.

Contrary to popular understanding, one computer programmer that is completely experienced in computer programming can only write 10,000 lines of completely functional programming code per 365 days at 6 - 8 hours per day. It is impossible for any one person to write more than 10,000 lines of completely functional programming code per 365 days at 6 - 8 hours per day. 250,000 lines of quality and completely functional programing code would take one computer programmer 25 years to write at 6 - 8 hours per day for 365 days per year.

Nazi Lowrider Software For Private Security Teams


Nazi Lowriders have a team that actively work on private security techniques with use of the Nazi Lowrider custom written web application software. The security teams of 3 - 10 people are capable of watching an entire area by using the ultra high speed 5g LTE networks combined with the live video recording smart glasses while also using the Nazi Lowrider go-bags.

This enables the security teams to protect the individuals and groups tasked for protection such as while going out to a public restaurant, public film, public events and more. With 2 - 3 administrators actively watching the web application and with another 3 - 10 people delivering live voice and video streams to the web application who are monitoring a crowd in an area the administrators can quickly reverse-image search faces from the crowd across ~27 different reverse-image and reverse-video search engines where individuals in the crowd can be successfully identified.

The security teams of 3 - 10 people can actively watch the preparation of food to guarantee food safety, they can actively watch the crowd to guarantee safety of the protectees, record vehicle make and model with license plates in that area and more.

Nazi Lowrider GoBags


The Nazi Lowriders also spent $75,000 developing a set of Go-Bags between the years of 2020 to 2025 from ultra light-weight Go-Bags to heavy-weight Go-Bags and for all different weather conditions in California from hot and dry desert weather conditions to below zero degrees weather conditions to raining weather conditions in desert, coastal and mountain areas.

The Go-Bags and the Go-Bag items are completely customized, security hardened and real-world hardened with a series of hardening techniques to U.S. military issue quality and specifications and some are beyond U.S. military issue quality. The Go-Bags, the custom software and the custom lowriders together enable every Nazi Lowrider to quickly evade and quickly confront law enforcement, military, rival and enemy gangs all over California.

They estimated a base cash income of $2,500 per 28 days along with the combined things enable every Nazi Lowrider to defeat and evade law enforcement, military, rival and enemy gangs, rival and enemy cartels all over California for the duration of every 28 days of $2,500 base cash income. Techniques include quickly switching vehicles with eachother; staying in paid Hotels, Motels, AirBNB rooms in high-income areas with pre-paid cash cards and more.

The items include security hardened hand-held flashlights with 1,200+ lumens focus capability to U.S. military patrol specifications, unbreakable fixed-blade lanyard loop knives with custom fabricated rubberized metal hand-guards, hand-gun, specific customized boots that ennable up to ~18 miles of walking per day without the risk of foot corns, foot callus, foot fungal infection, foot bacterial infection or sore feet, customized security-hardened Arch-Linux / KDE Plasma Linux / Custom AOSP Mobile Cell Phone that is dirt-proof, shock-proof, fire-proof, water-proof and more. The customized boots can withstand direct caustic soda and other dissolving acids for up to 30 minutes - 8 hours and are completely slip resistant on every surface including with oil on different surfaces with the modifications.

The entire system including the training system enable them to arrive at any point in California within 6 - 12 hours and at any point in Southern California within 0 - 6 hours. The training system enables each Nazi Lowrider to end anyones life within 5 - 6 minutes by using a trade-secret knifing technique that completely drains out all of the 1.5 to 1.6 gallons of blood of that target body in 4 minutes, and whereafter that target body dies completely within the few minutes after all of the blood is completely drained out of that target body. 1.5 - 1.6 gallons of blood weighs approximately 13 - 14 pounds.

The only way to instantly kill a human target is to drain out all of the blood out of that target body and this is a difficult task if the knife used is not long enough and especially if the knife is too flat or slim and of course there is the problem of if the knife has a secure hand-guard to make it impossible for the weilding hand to slip onto that blade and cut the hand when using it, or not. Stabbings do not always end in fatalities unless all of the human organs are hit repeatedly. 90+% of all shootings do not end in instant fatalities even with automatic fire. Contrary to popular belief and contrary to popular understanding: it is actually very difficult to kill someone.

Nazi Lowrider HygieneBags and HygieneBoxes


The son of the founders of the Nazi Lowriders spent several thousand United States Dollars developing a set of Hygiene-Kits, Hygiene-Bags and unbreakable Hygiene-Boxes that can be placed within the Nazi Lowrider Go-Bags and carried into the Nazi Lowrider Lowrider vehicles. The hygiene techniques and the hygiene kits involve thoroughly scrubbing the body with a rock, ultra high quality anti-microbial soaps and techniques to force the teeth to ultra white and ultra strong. The unbreakable Hygiene-Boxes with Hygiene items cost $50 - $60 United States Dollars.

Nazi Lowrider Lowriders


Another team of the Nazi Lowriders also spent another $60,000 on a different project from 2020 to 2025 developing a specialized lowrider racing vehicle with advanced hydraulics and nitro cooling systems capable of 24/7 live video recording from the vehicle dash, vehicle mirrors, vehicle rear and with 360 degree rotation of the cameras controllable from the stearing column of the vehicle. This specialized lowrider vehicle is capable of sending up to 720+ Gigabytes of video data at 4K video resolution for 24 hours per day at 5g LTE internet connection speed to the private web server that has this custom web application software installed on. This lowrider racing vehicle was documented with costs of custom engineering, vehicle part customizations, paint jobs, metal reinforcement and more. The lowriders cannot be hijacked unless the window is rolled down due to a large gauge chain that is connected from below the hood to the suspension with a magnetic lock.

In demonstrations: this web application software can support up to ~100 - ~200 concurrent and unique network connections on a shared hosting web server with ultra-fast response, up to ~300 concurrent and unique network connections on a remote dedicated web server with ultra-fast response, up to ~500 concurrent and unique network connections on 2-Parallel private and dedicated web servers and up to ~1,000 concurrent and unique network connections on 3 or more private and dedicated web servers in parallel.

This web application also supports installing custom application modules for infinite expansion of software features and software functionality. In security demonstrations it has proven to be completely secure from and completely invulernable to all known types of injection attacks from basic to advanced S.Q.L. Injection Techniques and all others. The entire web application can be used securely without a web application firewall appliance and it also supports custom encryption mathematics.

The web application can be securely accessed with a set of customized mobile cell phones that run a mobile Linux Operating Sytem known as Arch Linux Mobile, KDE Plasma Linux Mobile and other fully featured Linux Operating Systems designed for mobile cell phone devices. These operating systems are not based on the Google owned and maintained Android Open Source Software Project. The customized mobile cell phones fit into a custom machined aluminum case that is bulletproof up to .22 caliber, fireproof, waterproof up to 250m, dustproof, shatterproof. The security harded mobile cell phone can be instantly attached to the dash of the vehicle upon entering the vehicle where it can be quickly recharged. The customized Nazi Lowrider smart glasses are capable of wirelessly tethering to the mobile cell phone device.

Nazi Lowrider Race Vehicles With Hydraulics


Nazi Lowriders demonstrated in a collection of videos superior auto-engineering and auto-mechanical capabilites. Nazi Lowrider Lowriders are now capable of expert maneuverability and are bullet-proof at the doors of the vehicle up to .40 caliber rounds by using a combined goop that hardens into a bullet proof sheet material after drying. The goop is a combination of tar and other chemicals that when dried into a thick sheet and inserted between the outer door and the inner door of the vehicle doors make the doors of the vehicles bullet-proof. The engines are made from customized 8-cylinder General Motors engine blocks with super charged and ultra high quality parts. The engine part gaskets are an ultra tough and ultra thick custom rubberized material. The vehicle suspension hydraulics enable the driver to manually control the degrees of motion of the cabin of the vehicle from the dash.

Nazi Lowrider Response Times


Collectively the Nazi Lowriders can arrive at any point in Southern California within 0 - 6 hours from Kern County, Southern California and from Los Angeles County, Southern California. From Kern County, Southern California: Nazi Lowriders can arrive at nearly any point in Los Angeles, Southern California within <= 300 minutes by using combined road, highway and rail. Nazi Lowriders can also arrive nearly anywhere in Los Angeles, Southern California from any point within Los Angeles, Southern California within 180 minutes by using combined road, highway and rail from where Nazi Lowriders are stationed.

Banishment of Lowrider Vehicles In California State


In the 1990s and in the early 2000s in Kern County, Southern California as well as in different cities in Los Angeles County, Southern California numerous city officials within these counties banned Lowrider Racing Vehicles with hydraulics because the lowrider gangs could easily beat all of the Law Enforcement and the Military everywhere in California by using those engineered lowrider vehicles. Law Enforcement could not keep up with the speed of the Lowrider Racing Vehicles with Hydraulics and no one could hide from the maneuverability of those vehicles. Some Nazi Lowriders were known to have extended suspension hydraulics that could not be mimicked by other lowrider gangs where the entire vehicle could be raised sometimes up to 25 feet or more into the air with hydraulics as well as to tactically shield from enemy gun fire.

Membership Requirements


The original Nazi Lowriders required specific criteria for Nazi Lowrider Car Club membership.

Founders of The Nazi Lowrider Car Club


The Founding members of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club are now aged in their 70s. The next generation of Nazi Lowriders can be seen organizing around Kern County, Southern California and in some places in Los Angeles County, Southern California.

Language and Ancestral Heritage Requirements


The original Nazi Lowriders required members to know and speak Spanish and Western-German, prove specific and rare Hispanic ancestral heritage, but no Latin American heritage and no Negroid heritage otherwise known as Latino and Latina. People with any Latin-American heritage were not allowed membership in the Nazi Lowrider Car Club or the Nazi Lowrider Prison Gang. The Nazi Lowriders later officially recognized several part Latino and Latina members. Membership in the Nazi Lowrider Car Club requires multi-generational Californian ancestry.

The son of the founders of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club developed a special language learning system that he named: Lightning Language starting in the year ~2007 where the student can learn and completely retain up to 15 new words in any language every 24 hours with permanent memory retention and if the student applies the memorization techniques to that language every day for up to 365 days that student will know up to 5,475 words in that language at the end of the 365 days. These are considered genius memorization skills whereas when a high percentage of the population attempts to completely memorize 15 new words in any language in 24 hours they usually completely forget the words the next day or they partially forget the words the next day or within a few days. This is known as short-term memory retention loss. The memorization techniques are based on combined memorization techniques that draw from Simonides of Ceos' Method of Loci. This learning system is meant for new Nazi Lowrider members to learn mainland Spanish so that they can instantly see the differences between all of the different dialects of Spanish spoken in California. He also developed a system to show the public that anyone can be a human mental calculator where they can memorize 180+ actual mathematical algorithms by using the Simoniodes of Ceos' Method of Loci combined with other memorization techniques. He developed several unique mathematical algorithms to add to this collection of 182 unique mathematical algorithms.

Vehicle Ownership Requirements


Nazi Lowriders also required members to own a specific Chevrolet Vehicle with or without hydraulics. Lowrider Chevrolet vehicles were required in order to beat all of the street-level gangs who roamed the streets without vehicles as well as to beat all of the enemy and rival Lowrider gangs. Members were also required to own a hand gun so that member could engage in drive by shootings on their enemies from their lowrider vehicle. Hydraulics were later necessary in order to beat all of the enemies that hid in motels and hotels in Southern California as well as to tactically defend against gun fire from enemy gangs. Chevrolet vehicles that were manufactured between the 1960s to the late 1970s had extremely tough and high quality metals where .22 caliber and .40 caliber rounds could not penetrate through the metals if the vehicle doors and the vehicle frames were reinforced with bullet proof goop and bullet proof mechanisms.

Nazi Lowrider Gang Colors and Roman Catholic Rosary Requirements


While Nazi Lowriders are not required to be a member of the Roman Catholic Church as most are not, they are required to know how to build a Roman Catholic Rosary from scratch in a specific set of colors and pattern with a set number of rosary decades. Nazi Lowriders are required to know Nazi Lowrider gang colors.

Motorcycle Ownership Requirements


Nazi Lowriders that own a motorcycle are required to own an American Indian Motorcycle where all parts of that Indian motorcycle are made in the continental U.S.A and with materials that are mined from within the continental U.S.A.

Official Jackets


Officially sponsored Nazi Lowriders are required to wear a specific type of leather jacket made from buffalo / bison leather with the logo of the Nazi Lowrider Street Car Club on the back of the jacket.

Identity Requirements


Officially sponsored Nazi Lowriders and new recruits are required to have a valid California State driver license, clean credit and a clean record. If any Nazi Lowriders encounter legal troubles the gang will act to protect.

Official Sponsorship and Support


Nazi Lowriders require official sponsorship from senior membership as well as support from family for official recognition as a Nazi Lowrider. Family support requires family hand making their motorcycle jackets, hand making their clothing ( if necessary ), monetary support, safety support, knowing their wearabouts, food security and food safety and more.

Nazi Lowrider Car Club Politics and Nazi Lowrider Gang Politics


Nazi Lowriders have their own unique and specific car club politics, car club rules of conduct, car club policies and more. The previously mentioned politics and policies are different from their prison gang politics, prison gang rules of conduct, prison policies and more.

Politics and Rules of Punishment

  • Anyone claiming membership in the Nazi Lowriders and who is not is subject to stabbing.

Organizational Efforts


The Nazi Lowrider Car Club collectively for several decades have become more and more organized from and after their origins. The founder of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club spent several years establishing interpersonal relationships with new members as most gang membership bases are biologically related. By 1993 in Los Angeles, Southern California -- Law Enforcement had documented 23 - 28 completely validated members of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club as they had observed Nazi Lowrider gang activity thoroughout Los Angeles, Southern California. Law Enforcement stated that they suspected that there were more members of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club and that they would need to investigate to see how many there were. By the year 2000 it was suspected that there were several hundred members of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club, but this was never proven and by the year 2009 it was suspected that there were 1,000 members of the Nazi Lowrider Criminal Syndicate. The biological son of the founder of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club has stated that he remembers all 20+ of the original members of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club and the Nazi Lowrider Street Gang from when he was a child in the years of the early to mid 1990s as he met all of them in person and had good, healthy personal relationships with all of them, but he does not remember there being 1,000 members.

Support For Members of The Nazi Lowriders


Academic Collection of Human Memory Techniques and Academic Support

  • The son of the founder of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club spent 15+ years developing language learning systems, knowledge memorization systems and mental mathematics systems to send to incarcerated members of the Nazi Lowriders in California jails and in California prisons. The knowledge system gives great memory enhancement allowing for memorizing an entire language within 365 days, memorizing entire books and mentally multiplying exponentially. He also developed a system for counting cards as well as several other memory systems. The human memory systems are based on Simonides of Ceos' Method of Loci. The language memorization system can compete with memorization systems given out to academics, film actors and government.

Incarcerated Member Communications

  • The web application software that was developed for the Nazi Lowrider Car Club can also be used to communicate with family if the inmate has access to an electronic tablet. Text Messaging and Live Video can be used to communicate with the inmate. Organized letters are also set to communicate with incarcerated family in the Nazi Lowriders.

Entry Level Computer Science

  • The son of the founders of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club is known to teach entry level computer science to several members of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club. This involves real-life information security, digital information security, computer exploits: S.Q.L. Injection, X.S.S. Scripting/Injection, Buffer Injections and more. He was privately taught entry level computer science from 2016 - 2020 and was previously self-taught.

Mechanical Support For Nazi Lowriders


Inexpensive and High Quality Customized Motorbike Transportation

  • The son of the founder of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club spent ~$5,000 United States Dollars perfecting an engineering scheme for a set of induro motorcycles made from high quality parts that can be built for $350 - $500 - $750 United States Dollars from the years 2014 - 2016. The engineering system and the motorbike parts can be reproduced from a guide that he created. The guide shows where to order all of the motorbike parts / where to get all of the motorbike parts, how to customize the motorbike parts, how to machine manufacture some of the motorbike parts and how to build the motorbike. The motorbikes feature direct gasoline injection or direct ethanol injection, a customized and metal hardened 2 - 3 cylinder motor with high quality rubberized gaskets, high quality wide pistons and ultra high quality head metals, ultra high quality top-grade titanium nuts and bolts, liquid engine cooling system, Dunlop dirt bike tires with all terrain billets, ultra strong wide gauge chain and more. The motorbikes can be built in <= 30 days and they can be used to quickly transport product. The motorbikes last for up to ~8 months of every day use before requiring part replacements and can achieve of speed of 45 miles-per-hour on level surface without cut-off on sharp turns, 40 miles-per-hour on incline surface without cut-off and up to 60 miles-per-hour on decline surface without cut-off.
  • It is known that another member of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club spent several thousand United States Dollars perfecting a futuristic and extremely high quality custom made motorcycle made from American Indian Motorcycle parts that can be recreated for $4,000 United States Dollars.

High Quality Lowrider Vehicles With Hydraulics

  • Another team of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club perfected an engineering model from several 1970s Chevrolets that feature futuristic engineering. Video demonstrations of these futuristic Lowrider Chevrolets with hydraulics were made from 2012 - 2014.

Power Struggles Within The Nazi Lowriders


After 1997 and after the interactions between the son of the founder of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club and a high ranking boss of the Sinaloa Cartel in Southern California the Nazi Lowriders experienced internal power struggles within their organization as one of their senior members began efforts of recruiting Non-Hispanic Whites into the Nazi Lowrider Car Club. Senior leadership of the Nazi Lowriders opposed the recruitment efforts because the Nazi Lowriders have origins in the Hispanic Lowrider Car Community of Los Angeles, Southern California.

The Aryan Brotherhood and the Hells Angels began recruiting numerous members into the Aryan Brotherhood and the Hells Angels through the initiation of Non-Hispanic White recruits from Central California and in Southern California mostly from the areas of Long Beach, Southern California. The Aryan Brotherhood and the Hells Angels as a whole entity are linked together and they are known to be connected to Non-Hispanic White Law Enforcement that cover up their crimes.

In the U.S. State of California: English and Spanish are the primary languages. In the U.S. State of Hawaii: English, Hawaiian and Japanese are the primary languages. In the U.S. States that border Eastern-Canada: English and Canadian-French are the primary languages. In the U.S. States that border Western-Canada ( British Columbia ) American-English, Canadian-French and British-English are the primary languages.

In California: the primarily spoken languages are English and different dialects of Spanish because California was formerly owned by the Spanish Empire where it originally extended down to the areas now known as México. California was purchased by the expanding U.S. population and California feeds the entire U.S. population because California can grow food crops 365 days a year without any crop freeze. No other area in the U.S. is capable of this and these are some of the reasons why the U.S. Government wants complete control of California. The U.S. Government mission is to expell all Hispanics, Indigenous and the world of Hispania from California so that Non-Hispanic Whites can move in and take everything.

The Nazi Lowriders have strong ties with several Chicano Car Clubs and their original missions were to protect all family in the Nazi Lowrider Car Club and all of their families in California as well as to preserve the culture of their Car Club in Southern California and to defend their streets and areas in Southern California from their enemies.

The original Nazi Lowrider Car Club as well as the Chicano Car Club opposed the waves of Non-Hispanic White immigration into California because these population groups take away from all of the resources and they are not from California. California belongs to the population groups that are multi-generationally descended from California. These population groups would be Indigenous who are multi-generationally descended from California, Mestizo who are multi-generationally descended from California, Chicano who are multi-generationally descended from California, Hispanics who are multi-generationally descended from California and anyone else who is multi-generationally descended from California, but not to anyone else. These privileges were later extended to the multi-generationally descended from the immigration of the affected of the Dust Bowl from Oklahoma into Southern California from the 1930s who were forced to live in the California Concentration Camps and the California Dust Bowl Camps, but not to anyone else. Because the Dust Bowl only affected certain areas of Oklahoma and it did not affect any other areas in the U.S.

The Nazi Lowriders and the Chicanos have fully documented and proven the fraud of the U.S. Government as the U.S. Government have slowly changed U.S. Government maintained records on their end to be more consistent in lies so that they can slowly take complete ownership of California by creating fictitious legal rights for themselves. These records include changed details in newspaper clippings, changed news reports, changed migration records, including fraudulent and completely made up histories created by the U.S. Government and its controlled churches, changed census records and more. The U.S. Government and corrupt law are known to entirely delete / purge / destroy records so as to make it to where their enemies can not prove anything against them or prove earlier logical events that prove them wrong.

Power Differences In The Aryan Brotherhood and The Hells Angels


The Aryan Brotherhood and the Hells Angels were known to have made connections with different Italian Criminal Families in California and later with Irish Criminal Families abroad. Being a primarily Hispanic and White Hispanic car club, the Nazi Lowriders experienced internal power struggles to maintain peace with some of these Non-Hispanic White population groups. Initially the Nazi Lowriders had stronger connections with the Sinaloa Cartel of Southern California because its members were primarily part Hispanic whereas the Aryan Brotherhood and the Hells Angels are Non-Hispanic White. In fact, the Aryan Brotherhood and the Hells Angels do not actually recruit anyone who is not of pure White Ethnicity.

What Is The Sinaloa Cartel ?


The Sinaloa Cartel is divided into several families of direct multi-generational descent from Sinaloa, México in California. Membership in the Sinaloa Cartel requires provable ancestral descent from Sinaloa, México. All real Sureños, Sureñas and Norteños, Norteñas have direct multi-generational descent from Sinaloa, México. Anyone claiming to be a Sureño, Sureña or a Norteño, Norteña who does not have verifiable multi-generational descent from Sinaloa, México is a fraud.

What Is The Aryan Brotherhood ?


The Aryan Brotherhood traces its roots to Central-California Prisons and Southern-California Prisons in the early years of the 1970s. Aryan Brotherhood membership was restricted to males that fit certain criteria for membership and required them to be pure Aryan of the original academic concepts of the Aryan Race.

What Are The Hell's Angels ?


Collectively the Hell's Angels are several unique motorcycle clubs and support motorcycle clubs that became united under the banner of name: Hell's Angels whereas the original members were formed in Southern California and some were female bikers. In Hispania the male members of the Hell's Angels Motorcycle Club are known collectively as Angelios del Diablo or Male Angels of the Devil and the female members of the Hell's Angels Motorcycle Club are known as Angelias del Diablo or Female Angels of the Devil where the Devils are the men and the Angels are the women. This motorcycle club can be traced back to the mid to late 1960s in Southern California.

What Is The Vagos Motorcycle Club ?


Collectively the Vagos Motorcycle Club are the Vagos or Male members of the Vagos Motorcycle Club. The word Vagos in Spanish translates to a Vagabond or a Traveling Gypsy in English and the original members were of full or partial Hispanic ancestry. The origins of the Vagos Motorcycle Club can be traced to Kern County, Southern California as early as the 1960s.



Motorcycle Clubs


Nazi Lowriders are known to have connections with motorcycle clubs Vagos Motorcycle Club of Southern California and Hells Angels Motorcycle Club of Southern California.

Vagos Motorcycle Club

  • The Vagos Motorcycle Club were originally an all Hispanic Motorcycle Club because the word Vagos in the language of Spanish translates to Traveling Gypsy and Vagabond in the language of English.
  • The Nazi Lowriders are known to have worked for several bands of the Vagos Motorcycle Club in what was formerly known as Lancaster, Kern County in Southern California in the early 1990s.

Hells Angels Motorcycle Club

Lowrider Car Clubs


Nazi Lowriders also have connections with several different Chicano and Chicana Car Clubs from the ancestry of the founders of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club. The founders of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club have ancestry in the United Farm Workers Movement namely where the biological son of the founder of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club has a great grandmother whose name was Georgia Hiawatha Jennings and who greatly assisted in the United Farm Workers of Kern County, Southern California from the 1960s to the 1970s. The United Farm Workers were part of the Chicano Movement in Kern County, Southern California and the Chicano Movement of Southern California is linked to the Chicano Car Clubs.

Georgia Hiawatha Jennings was a partially ancestrally American Indian migrant from the affected areas of the Dust Bowl in Indian Territory which later officialy became known as Oklahoma after 1920. She was also shown in 2 low budget Hollywood Films that were filmed around Bakersfield, Kern County, Southern California in the 1950s and the 1960s. One film was named: Better In Black and she may have been an extra in the original cut of the 1967 Hollywood Film Hells Angels on Wheels in the filming location around Hart Park in East Bakersfield, Southern California, but this was never confirmed by the staff of the film. Jack Nicolson has stated in a video that he does not remember seeing Georgia Hiawatha Jennings on the set of the Hollywood film Hells Angels on Wheels, but she may have been seen walking in the background of the filming location of Hart Park in Kern County, Southern California as the original film showed a theme park there with a roller coaster. It is known that a few Nazi Lowriders and Jack Nicolson have had sex together with call girls in Los Angeles, Southern California. Much of the film Hells Angels on Wheels was recorded in Hart Park in East Bakersfield, Southern California where Georgia Hiawatha Jennings resided during this time.

Gentrification of Cities In Southern California


Nazi Lowriders assisted in the gentrification of several different cities in Los Angeles County, Southern California as well as of several different cities in Kern County, Southern California. Notably Oildale, Southern California and East Bakersfield, Southern California in Kern County, Southern California throughout the 1980s and the early to mid 1990s as well as of several different cities in Los Angeles County, Southern California notably: South Gate, Southern California. Nazi Lowriders assisted in these gentrifications and advancements because it was worth money. The Nazi Lowriders did not start as a Neo-Nazi gang, but it became known as one as it allied with a few Non-Hispanic White gangs of Southern California after 1996.

The film American History X was inspired by the stories of community development and community gentrification of Long Beach, Southern California and of Compton, Southern California by a few fictitious Non-Hispanic White families shown in the film where elements of that fictitious family were based on real families who resided in Long Beach, Southern California.

Long Beach, Southern California is only ~10 miles south of Compton, Southern California and the gang wars between Compton, Southern California and Long Beach, Southern California carried into the 2000s. It was actually the Nazi Lowriders that helped pave the way for the Non-Hispanic Whites to move into Long Beach, Southern California throughout the 1980s and the 1990s. Long Beach, Southern California was gentrified by Non-Hispanic White Southern California gangs known as the Long Beach Gangs.

Kern County, Southern California


The Nazi Lowriders are known to have helped gentrify the town of Oildale, Southern California in Kern County and have formed several gang alliances here throughout the 1990s.

The Nazi Lowriders are known to have helped gentrify the town of Stockdale, Southern California in Kern County and have formed several gang alliances here throughout the 1980s and the 1990s.

The Nazi Lowriders are known to have helped gentrify the town of Lamont, Southern California in Kern County and have formed several gang alliances here throughout the 1990s.

The Nazi Lowriders are known to have helped gentrify the town of Lamont, Southern California in Kern County and have formed several gang alliances here throughout the 1990s.

Los Angeles County, Southern California


The Nazi Lowriders are known to have helped gentrify the town of South Gate, Southern California throughout the 1990s.

The Nazi Lowriders are known to have helped gentrify the town of Valencia, Southern California throughout the 1990s.

The Nazi Lowriders are known to have helped gentrify the town of Santa Monica, Southern California throughout the 1980s and the 1990s and have formed several alliances here with different Pacific Coast Italian Mafia Clans.

The Nazi Lowriders are known to have helped gentrify the town of Long Beach, Southern California throughout the 1980s and the 1990s and have formed several alliances here with different Pacific Coast Non-Hispanic White Gangs.

San Luis Obispo County, Southern California


Ventura County, Southern California


Orange County, Southern California


Notable Nazi Lowriders and Notable Nazi Lowrider Family


There are several notable members of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club as well as notable family members of members of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club.

The Original Nazi Lowriders


The Biological Son of The Founders of The Nazi Lowrider Car Club

  • The biological son of the founders of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club who apparently is part Hispanic has stated as a child that he was ashamed of his Hispanic heritage and his American Indian heritage, but later he stated that he is now glad to know of his Hispanic descent from Spain.
  • In 2008 he began mining BITCoin and acquired several whole BITCoins in addition to paying $1 a piece for 100 whole BITCoins in ~2009. His 100 BITCoins that were purchased were lost online after the year 2009. 100 whole BITCoins as of the year 2025 collectively are worth 10 million United States Dollars.
  • He is known to have talked to Charles Manson at the Dignity Health Memorial Hospital in ~2010 when Charles Manson was hospitalized there. He is known to have stated that he did not believe that Charles Manson was guilty.
  • He is known to have brushed shoulders with several famous and infamous people.
  • He has stated that while he is not against others using drugs, he himself is not a drug user and he likes to keep his body completely healthy.
  • He has stated that he is 100% heterosexual and that although the official social system in place would classify him as being sexually molested by numerous different women growing up, he himself does not feel sexually molested and he loves all of the women he was with sexually when he was a child and a teenager.
  • He has stated that he dislikes, evades, does not communicate with any cops or with any military and he has actively filtered out any influence by leos and military because "they are all spies", and that "the only way anyone can actually kill someone and completely get away with it is when their spies are no longer watching".
  • He has stated that he was never sexually molested by anyone in the Nazi Lowrider Car Club or by any of the members of its car club allies, but when he was 6 years old after a car race between the Nazi Lowriders and a rival car club in East Los Angeles, Southern California his father ordered a teenager chola to suck his son's penis and she did. His son later had a short romantic relationship with her.
  • He has stated that he was ordered to marry a French-Californian princess with authentic royal French ancestry when he was 7 or 8 years old who was a few years older than him, but they were later separated.
  • He has stated in the year 2014 that he no longer calls upon any law enforcement in any circumstance because they "get paid tax payer money to protect and serve themselves and their families and they don't give a shit about anyone else anyway". and the phrase "to protect and serve" actually means to protect the court they work for and to serve the paperwork of the court they work for. It does not actually mean to protect and serve the community.. and what they actually do is cover up all of eachother's crimes with phony documentation anyway.
  • He has stated that he is not a member of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club or of any other gang, but his biological parents are the founders of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club.
  • He has stated that because he looks like a model naturally and he has been accussed by corrupt law enforcement and enemy gangs as having received or undergone plastic surgery to look like a model because they are jealous of him. He stated that he is 100% natural born male and he has never received any kind of facial surgeries or any plastic surgeries because plastic surgery involves placing plastic in the face in a surgery and anyone who receives plastic surgery can be punched in the face to break all of the plastic in their face. He proved that he never received any kind of surgeries like that in order to rebut any statements made by enemies. He also proved that he can always prove that he is the real person and that he is the same person from when he was a child and from when he was born because he attended 2 private schools in youth in Kern County, Southern California in addition to everyone in his hometown in Kern County, Southern California knowing about him and they can always prove that he is the real person. He is of partial Hispanic ancestry.
  • He has stated that he is not a member of the Catholic Church, he is not a Catholic and he is not a priest, but his grandmother was and she her funeral services and rites were held at CTK Roman Catholic Parish in Bakersfield, Kern County, Southern California. He was offered to become a priest before he was 18 years old, but he declined stating that he loves women to much. He has also stated that he is not religous and he does not care about religion, instead he only cares about true freedom.

Street Wars and Street Battles


Nazi Lowriders have been seen in numerous street wars and numerous street battles throughout Southern California noticed from the 1970s and onward.

Years Noticed


Ended With Alliances

  • ~ [ 1980-? ] Nazi Lowriders Verus Sureños of Southern California - Ended In Truce and Later An Alliance

Ended In Truces

  • ~ [ 1980-2005 ] Nazi Lowriders Versus Cripps - Ended In Truces With Different Cripp Groups In Southern California
  • ~ [ 1980-? ] Nazi Lowriders Versus Northern Sinaloa Cartel of Southern California - Ended In Truce
  • ~ [ 1997-2002 ] Nazi Lowriders Versus Tijuana Mexican Cartel - Ended In Truce


  • ~ [ 2005-2016 ] Nazi Lowriders Versus U.S. Marines - Unknown

Ongoing Wars

  • ~ [ 1980-Present-Day ] Nazi Lowriders Versus Bloods - War Ongoing

Enemy Tactics


Doppelgänger Attacks and Identity Takeovers

  • Nazi Lowriders, especially the biological son of the founder of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club have experienced doppelgänger attacks and identity fraud. Identity fraud by doppelgänger's involves a lookalike of that person that moves into a house in the same area as the person that looks like them and then begins to use their identity in the same locations in order to trick the U.S. Government identity systems on record as well as to trick the U.S. Government about the whereabouts of the person by last-known-whereabouts techniques. Killing someone and taking over their identity is actually a very simple and straightforward process. For instance: if the target looks enough like the person they are going to kill and if the target does not smile and show their teeth and their ears in their identity card picture one can kill that person and take over their identity because the cameras only take a picture of the front of the face and the teeth are not legally identified on that specific record at that point-in-time or they could cut off the nose of the person that looks like them so they cannot be legally identified and then proceed to takeover the identity. If a person goes to get an identity card in the legal name of the target person that looks like them and with the same U.S. State Issued Identification Number as the target person that looks like them and if that person smiles in the photograph and shows their teeth in the picture that is then stored in the identity card database that person can then proceed to kill the target lookalike and take over their identity and begin living the identity on record anywhere because that person showed their teeth and their ears in the picture on the identity card and the target person did not. This is possible because civilian identity databases such as Department of Motor Vehicle State Identity Card processes do not take a picture of the side of the head, instead they only take a picture of the front of the face therefore if there is a doppelgänger of the person the doppelgänger of that person could cut the target person's nose off and take over their identity. Now, the lookalike cannot legally claim to be the person in the picture on the identity card because they did not show their teeth or their ears in the photograph and you did. Legal identity takeovers are usually more complicated than this, but it is also possible that N.C. law enforcement conspired to kill people in the Nazi Lowrider Car Club as early as 2003 as they might be linked to a rival car club based in the U.S. State of Tennessee who deal drugs with the help of Southern U.S. African-American gang members. It is highly likely that certain N.C. law enforcement spied on the 14 year old son of the founder of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club and his 15 year old girlfriend / cholita over the Internet in ~2001 as one of them traveled to Bakersfield, Kern County in Southern California and proceeded to the Department of Motor Vehicles and got an identity card in the real persons information by using his birth certificate and social security card in the year ~2008 and a few doppelgängers did the same thing to him before N.C. law enforcement did that. This is a California State Felony.

Biological Warfare Food Safety Attacks In Kern County

  • Nazi Lowriders fight enemy food safety tactics every day. Food safety tactics by enemies involve enemies ejaculating into the food at the grocery stores and creating foods that look the exact same as the real foods, but are instead made of ejaculation, saliva and other bodily fluids that are freeze dried.

U.S. Military Torture Tactics

  • Nazi Lowriders, especially the biological son of the founders of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club have experienced U.S. Military Torture Tactics. These torture tactics include the drugging of a person to drive them insane while trafficking them around town and not allowing them to sleep or if they manage to fall asleep they walk by and make loud noises or tap on surfaces to deprive that person of any sleep. These tactics slowly drive a target insane.

Human Trafficking, Drugging and Confusion Tactics

  • Nazi Lowriders, especially the biological son of the founders of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club have experienced drugging and confusion tactics by enemy groups. These tactics include being drugged by enemy groups and confused in attempts to traffick them to areas where they could kill them when no one is around. Nazi Lowriders are trained to defeat enemy human trafficking networks that drug people to control them by using mind control drugs such as Scopolomine Powder also known as Devil's Breath.

Drug Cartel Drugging Tactics

  • Drug Cartels whether Mexican or otherwise are known to drug their targets with different kinds of drugs in order to win. Fighting the drugging tactics by the enemy drug cartels is an every day task. Drugging tactics invlolve enemy drug cartels drugging the food and the drinks of their targets, walking up to their targets and sticking them with syringes filled with drugs in order to make the target pass out and placing drugged rags over their targets faces. Nazi Lowriders are known to have truces with several different drug cartels in Southern California.

Source Manipulation

  • Nazi Lowriders, especially the biological son of the founders of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club experience Source Manipulation by enemy gangs, enemy cartels and enemy law enforcement. Source manipulation involves writing information down with cited sources or video recorded statements where the sources can be changed in the future in order to trick anyone looking at it when others are not. Source manipulation also involves doppelgängers of people such as family, friends, sexual partners, food items, property, money and more. Cropping of people into images to make it look like they know the person by showing people on the Internet and tricking an entire community into thinking they know that person so they can approach that person in real life to do them harm.

Nazi Lowriders Ally With Cartel de Durango

  • Nazi Lowriders are known to have allied with several small bands of the Cartel de Durango of Kern County, Southern California in the late 1980s and the early 1990s.

Nazi Lowriders Ally With The Southern California Sinaloa Cartel ( Sureñs of Lamont )

  • Nazi Lowriders are known to have allied with several small bands of Sureños and Sureñas of Lamont, Kern County, Southern California and of Arvin, Kern County, Southern California throughout the 1980s and the 1990s. Sureños and Sureñas are the male and female people that make up the Sinaloa Cartel of Southern California. The Nazi Lowriders are also known to have assisted the escape of incarcerated ( ? ) Cartel members in Sonora, México in the mid 1990s.

Nazi Lowriders Ally With Santa Monica Italian Mafia


Nazi Lowriders Ally With Hells Angels of Oildale and of Long Beach

  • Nazi Lowriders are known to have formed an official alliance with several small bands of the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club of Oildale, Southern California and the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club of Long Beach, Southern California in ~ 1999.

Nazi Lowriders Propose Alliance With Laotian-American Mafia of Southern California

  • Nazi Lowriders are known to have proposed an alliance with several small bands of the Laotian-American Mafia of Kern County, Southern California and of Los Angeles County, Southern California who are not affiliated with or connected with any bloods in the late 1990s and again the the early 2020s.

Nazi Lowriders Versus Cripps


Nazi Lowriders Versus Unknown Enemy Gang On State Road

  • Nazi Lowriders were seen in gun battles with an enemy gang on State Road in Oildale, Southern California in ~1995 and another series of shootings in ~1996. Kern County Sheriff Department helicopters and the Bakersfield news stations helicopters responded to the incidents.

Nazi Lowriders Versus Northern Sinaloa Cartel

  • Nazi Lowriders are known to have been in and have been seen in several shootouts with the Sinaloa Cartel in and around the city of South Gate in Los Angeles County, Southern California throughout the 1980s and the 1990s over different disputes where news stations have responded to these incidents. There are several different families in the Sinaloa Cartel. The Sinaloa Cartel is divided among the Northern California Sinaloa Cartel and the Southern California Sinaloa Cartel. The Northern California Sinaloa Cartel are known as Norteños and Norteñas and the Southern California Sinaloa Cartel are known as the Sureños and the Sureñas.

Nazi Lowriders Versus Norteños

  • Nazi Lowriders were known to have battled Norteños in Kern County, Southern California where news stations have responded to these incidents. The altercations ended in several truces with the Norteño gangs. Several other truces were made between the Nazi Lowriders and different Norteños and Norteñas on the basis of a brief romantic sexual relationship between the pre-teen child son of the founder of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club and a female Norteña/Sureña who was much older than him before the initiation of the major Northern-California ~ Southern-California truces. California State Law determines that he was sexually molested by that female Hispanic Norteña because he was a child and she was in her late 20s. This female Hispanic Norteña was a bonafide member of the Sinaloa Cartel of Northern California in the years of the early 1990s and he witnessed her killing. This was the basis of one of his conversations with a high ranking boss of the Sinaloa Cartel in Southern California which established a truce with the Nazi Lowriders and put word out on the street in gangland that this killing was justified.

Nazi Lowriders Versus Tijuana Mexican Cartel


Spark of The Wars Between The Nazi Lowriders and The Tijuana Mexican Cartel

  • The 11 year old son of the founders of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club was repeatedly drugged and sexually molested by a Non-Black Hispanic female member of the Crips of East Bakersfield, Southern California who also had membership in the Tijuana Mexican Cartel which is also known as the Tijuana Cartel and who might have targeted the Nazi Lowriders in ~1997. It was unknown to the Nazi Lowrider family that she was a member of the female Hispanic Crips until after the incidents. Kern County authorities later proved that they exchanged phone calls talking about sex and she would take him to East Bakersfield, Southern California and sexually molested him. His grandmother caught her giving him oral sex in Central Oildale, Southern California. The East Bakersfield Crips instantly declared a truce with the Nazi Lowriders over the child molestation case after another member spoke to her family in East Bakersfield, Southern California. This started a small war between the Nazi Lowriders and the Tijuana Cartel where that son was later ordered by senior membership to stab a Tijuana Cartel Plaza Boss who lived on the border of San Diego, Southern California and Tijuana, México and who facilitated drugs and humans across the border of México and into the United States. The Nazi Lowriders traveled to San Diego, Southern California and confronted that Tijuana Mexican Cartel Plaza Boss and the child that was sexually molested stabbed that Tijuana Cartel Plaza Boss in the side. Law Enforcement later confirmed the stabbing. This small war between the Nazi Lowriders and the Tijuana Cartel ended in a truce in ~2002. The son of the founders of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club was taken away from his family and placed in Child Protective Custody after his mother was seen in a shootout in Oildale, California in ~1997. The local Bakersfield television news stations responded to the incident.
  • The son of the founders of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club later had a non-violent altercation with the Tijuana Cartel around San Diego, Southern California and Orange County, Southern California in 2022.

Nazi Lowriders Versus Northern Pacific Italian Mafia

  • Nazi Lowriders are known to have had bouts with the Italian Mafia of the Northern Pacific Region stretching from Northern-California to Central-Oregon. Two Nazi Lowriders were seen chasing after Italian Mafia members on the Amtrak Train from Bakersfield, Southern California to Central-Oregon in 2017 and one of the Nazi Lowriders were hospitalized in Seattle, Washington in 2017. The incident was captured on video at the stores around Downtown Fresno, Southern California and several days later in Downtown Seattle, Washington.

Nazi Lowriders Versus U.S. Marines

  • In 2005 the U.S. Marines attempted a covert infiltration of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club and the Nazi Lowrider Prison Gang by using the identity of the son of one of the founders of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club while they repeatedly drugged him around Oildale, Southern California.
  • The U.S. Marines are seen in several videos calling on the Nazi Lowriders in East Los Angles, Southern California and in the other recorded media the U.S. Marines are defeated by the Nazi Lowriders and the Sinaloa Cartel in East Los Angeles, Southern California.
  • In several videos that were recorded by the rogue U.S. Marines and uploaded to the Internet show several U.S. Marines masterbating in public parks in and around Bakersfield, Southern California from ~2008 ? Where the rogue U.S. Marines then sent the video links to the Kern County Sheriff Office Online Reporting System. The rogue U.S. Marines were using the names of several dead Nazi Lowriders when they made the fraudulent reports online. The altercations with the U.S. Marines and their attempted infiltrations of this car club dealt a crippling blow to the Nazi Lowrider Car Club by the year of 2015.

Nazi Lowriders Versus Texas Gangs and North Carolina Gangs In Northern Oildale

  • In ~2008 the Nazi Lowriders are seen in a series of videos that show them fighting Non-Hispanic White Texas gang members and Non-Hispanic White North Carolina gang members who kept claiming to be members of the Hells Angels/Aryan Brotherhood and were not. The videos show the Nazi Lowriders knocking on the door of the apartment lived in by one of the opponents where they walk into the apartment and proceed to anally rape that opponent. Another video shows the local Hells Angels chapter of Oildale jacking off into a 1 gallon jug where they then proceed into the apartment and force that opponent to drink the 1 gallon of ejaculation. The opponents moved away and returned with more of their families in 2013 and they released videos of themselves having anal sex with each other in order to confuse the querying of the original videos to make it look like they were in the Hells Angels if anyone looked it up. They're not. They moved out of the apartments again in 2013 and moved back into the apartments in 2020. The entire area by North High School in Oildale, Southern California is now under invasion by these gangs. In 2005 a Non-Hispanic White and balding individual with blue eye color and 3 U.S. Marines threatned to kill the son of the founder of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club by cutting off his nose and head so he could not legally prove he was the "guy in the picture" on his California I.D. card. The balding Non-Hispanic White individual proceeded and stole his California I.D. card. They may have been spying on this Nazi Lowrider family from the Internet starting from the years of 2001 or 2003.
  • The relative of the son of the founder of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club was also seen in the original video recorded in the area in ~2007 - ~2008 where that member is wearing Vagos Motorcycle Club jacket addressing the son of the founder of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club telling him not to go to the shown area in the video after 2016 or he would be drugged by the enemies, confused and forced to wander because they planned on moving back into the apartments there after having rehearsed 2 times what they were planning to do to targets in the area.
  • These incidents were tied to the attempted infiltration of the U.S. Marines and other gangs into the Nazi Lowrider Car Club from ~2006 and onward. The incidents also involve an Irish-American girl completely unaffiliated with the Nazi Lowriders who is probably related to a U.S. Marine. The girl was shun away by the 20 and half year old son of the founder of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club in 2007 after returning home to Bakersfield, Kern County, Southern California and who was previously illegally drugged by the U.S. Marines / U.S. Navy. The biological son of the founder of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club attempted to court the Irish-American girl, but the U.S. Marine doppelgänger who followed him home found out where he lived and took the girl.

Nazi Lowriders Versus Hackers and Invading Forces In Bakersfield

  • The founders of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club recorded videos for their son from the years of ~2007 to ~2010 where the videos show their son and other Nazi Lowrider families how to build a lowrider from scratch and how to run the syndicate. Showing love for their son. The videos were found online by hackers and enemy gangs where they cut up all of the original videos and used DeepFakes, FaceApp and other software to try and crop themseleves into the videos while network blocking the son from seeing the altered versions of the videos. If one closely studies the videos they will see that they even employed doppelgängers and cut up the videos to try and make it look like the'yre in the videos or that are addressed at them or at the enemy gang members, they're not. Their son is fully recognized all throughout Southern California and does not have any Italian or Irish ancestry or any ancestry from Texas. Their son is partially Hispanic, Mestizo / American Indian and Non-Hispanic White, but then again so is every person with ancestry from Mexico and the areas now known as California State. Almost every person with ancestry from the areas now known as Mexico and the areas known as California State are partially Hispanic ( ancestry from Spain ), partially Mesitzo / American Indian ( ancestry from Indigenous America ).

Nazi Lowriders Versus Hackers

  • Nazi Lowriders are known to have engaged in a digital war with hackers where they drew out several hackers in the real world from 2009 - 2013. Several collections of videos show the Nazi Lowriders engaging in digital wars with computer hackers where these hackers were drawn out, found and defeated in Southern California.

Kidnappings of Nazi Lowrider Members and Nazi Lowrider Family Members


Cases of Kidnappings of The Son of The Founder of The Nazi Lowriders

  • In 2012 it is possible that the son of the founder of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club was kidnapped and drugged for several weeks in an apartment in East Bakersfield in a local conspiracy in order to find out information. It was observed that several women went in and out of the apartment and several BPD officers went in and out of the apartment.


  • The son of the founder of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club has been incarcerated several times in an ultra low security facility designed for the mentally ill in South Bakersfield, Kern County, Southern California several times betwen the years of 2007 and 2020. This location has a small court with judges for the mentally disabled. He was also incarcerated in a similar location in Oxnard, Ventura County, Southern California several times when he was a teenager. He was illegally held against his will in a group home for teenage males in San Diego, San Diego County, Southern California.
  • The founder of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club has been incarcerated in Southern California in ?



Current and Former Alliances


Street Gangs

  • Specific bands of Sureños and Sureñas of Southern California
  • Specific bands of Laotian Gangs and specific bands of Laotian Mafia of Southern California ( Non-Bloods // Non-Cripps ~ Southern West-Coast Alliances )
  • Specific bands of the Kern River Gang of Oildale, Southern California

Motorcycle Clubs

Lowrider Car Clubs


Southern California Cartels

  • Cártel de Durango de Kern County, Southern California
  • Cártel de Castéc de Southern California
  • Cártel de Pismo de Southern California
  • Cártel de Saint Clarita de Southern California
  • Cártel de Florence de Los Angeles, Southern California


  • Oklevueha Native American Church of Southern California

American Indian Tribes

  • Official Tejon Indian Tribe of Southern California
  • Official White-Mountain Apache American Indian Tribe of New México
  • Official Apache American Indian Band of Sonora, México

Current and Former Rivals


Current and Former Enemies


Former Enemies

  • Specific Crips of Southern California

Current Enemies

Current and Former Truces


Northern California Gangs

  • Norteños and Norteñas of Southern-California, of Central-California and of Northern-California

Cripps / Crips

  • Culver City Crips of Culver City in Los Angeles, Southern California
  • Venice City Crips of Venice City in Los Angeles, Southern California
  • East Bakersfield Crips of East Bakersfield, Southern California

Criminal Activities


Notable Crimes


In Popular Culture


Nazi Lowriders are well known in popular culture in Southern California. The founders of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club and their biological son have been approached for media coverage in different vehicle media and computer related media organizations namely Cyberpunks for his computer programming ventures as a teenager and Lowrider Magazines of Southern California for the ultra custom and all mechanical Lowriders engineered by the Nazi Lowriders. It is known that the Nazi Lowriders have been offered media coverage by Hollywood, Southern California media organizations connected to film actors such as Edward Furlong and Jamie Lee Curtis, but mostly have declined. The founders of the Nazi Lowriders have stated that they do not like media coverage.

In Hollywood, Southern California Film

  • In the 2010 crime film Shot Caller, Jacob "Money" Harlon briefly has a cellmate named Ripper (played by Keith Jardine) who is a member of the Nazi Lowriders Prison Gang, sporting an "NLR" tattoo across his forehead.

Sources and Citations


There are several inauthentic sources about the Nazi Lowriders that are available on the Internet that are used to cite statements here and elsewhere. The Nazi Lowriders did not start as a Neo-Nazi Gang or a Neo-Nazi Prison Gang and the Nazi Lowriders have never operated outside of Southern California and they do not operate outside of Southern California. Literally stated: The Nazi Lowriders do not operate in any U.S. State or in any U.S. Territory exept for the U.S. State of California. Some fraudulent and phony sources here claim that the Nazi Lowriders operate in the U.S. State of Texas, they don't. Another phony source claims that the Nazi Lowriders operate in the U.S. State of Florida, they don't. The U.S. State of Florida are lived in primarily by Haitain Bloods and the entire U.S. State of Florida are enemies of the U.S. State of California.

Authentic Sources On Nazi Lowriders


Secondary Sources


  • [1990 - 1992] Magazine :: Nazi Lowriders :: Lowrider Magazine of Southern California


  • [2008 - 2010] Film :: Documentary :: Nazi Lowriders :: The Rise and Fall of The Nazi Lowriders



Inauthentic / Fraudlent Internet Sources On Nazi Lowriders


Sources That Need Analysis From Leadership




