Creative Arts and Crafts are an important aspect for children towards children growth up and becoming individuals. With their heightened curiosity, growing independence, and often impressive artistic skills, school elementary school children are ideal candidates for arts and crafts. It allows them to become creative and an individual without telling them that what they are doing is wrong. Add to that their rapidly growing understanding of the world around them, and you’re practically guaranteed kids who will be eager to undertake craft projects with teachers, classmates, and on their own.
This information will be beneficial for teachers, student teachers, or anyone that is searching for information concerning Creative Arts & Crafts for elementary school-aged children. Other Wikipedia users can add useful information towards this topic and create numerous resources and annotated bibliographies that at one time were not even there.
This website is valuable towards teachers looking for lesson plans in the creative [[[arts|arts]] and other aspects of the teaching field. It starts off with a table that you can check off and then it searches throughout the website for related resources in the area choosen. For the creative arts and crafts section it finds resources and book books that will be values for the person looking it up. These resources not only help teachers but also parents of children that are having difficulties or students teachers like myself looking for resources to stock up on when becoming a teacher. Other areas that this website reflects to find resources are that of the following:
Preschool (2004). Retrieved October 27, 2004, from,
This website informs parents about information about preschool programs and curriculum in the daycare centers. There is one area focused on the arts and crafts and different ideas that they can do at home with their child. Another areas that this website focuses on relates to the arts and crafts were Alphabet Ideas, Arts & Crafts, Books, Book Reviews, Bulletin Board, Calendar of Fun, Circle Time, Computer Related Reviews, Dramatic Play, Felt Board, Games, Incentives, Learning Letters, Math, Music Review, Music & Songs, Parent Corner, Science & Sensory, Snacks, Teachers Lounge, Theme Days, Theme Topics and Useful Recipes. This website would be especially important for parents that want to get involved in their child's education and programming.
Guildcraft arts and craft. (2004). Retrieved October 27, 2004, from,
This website is an online catolog for people interested in ordering materials for the arts and crafts. It has everything divided into groups for materials such as wood pieces, foam, sand, papers and scissors, and etc. The thing that is unique about this website is that parents can also order these materials for their children to take home and use on a regular basis. Some of the crafts featured on this website are more of an one on one craft, mainly for children to do at home with parents.
This website is informative toward teachers that wish to teach children about arts and crafts throughout the years of their childhood up until university level. Information that is shown in this website are that of a glossary of artistic terms from the most basic to that of terms used in the university arts program. Keeping this glossary would help create ideas about what should be done in the arts and craft curriculum in elementary school. When their are in middle school, students starting to learn these terms and being tested on them, because some of the students in the classroom might have a fine interest in the arts. Different terms that could be found are different types of arts, brush strokes, colortones, and etc.
FILES - YEAR PLAN - LESSONS. (2004). Retrieved Octover 27, 2004, from,
This website is great for teachers that need lesson plans about arts and crafts in the school curriculum. It shows different templates that can be used throughout the school year for creating different arts and crafts ideas. This also means informative information for the students and the artistic side of it. This website also has numerous links to others areas that teachers and other people can look up for different lesson plans to control their classroom noise level. It also has test and quizes that can be given to students in a higher educational level. These quizes and tests are found in templates that can be used for different areas of the curriculum. With the acedemic] part it also has fun and creative activities that will excite students about the arts.
Kinderstart: Search engine. (2004). Retrieved October 26, 2004, from,
This website has numerous links that parents and teachers can look up for different ideas of creative arts and crafts that can be completed in the classroom or at home with the child. When clicking onto each of these links they either display an lesson plan such as Origami Jumping Frog's or takes you to other links that have different lesson plans that can be used throughout the child's developmental years. With some of these websites I noticed that their are registration fees to be paid or you just have to register for them.
Kidsdomain. (2004). Retrieved October 5, 2004, from,
With this website it has creative arts and crafts dealing with every thing from different holidays, seasons, curriculum, and technology. Kidsdomain webiste has each area divided into the following catorgies:
When clicking on one of these links there are numerous ideas at the persons finger tips. It informs that person the materials need, time duration, the procedure uses for this activity and the steps that each child has to follow through with. The key thing that I find interesting about this website is that it has a section for creative arts and crafts with using technology suchs as computers.
Kinderart. (2004). Retrieved October 26, 2004, from,
This website has the same feel and display at kidsdomain except for it more with the school base curriculum. It has lesson plans that discuss what would be have to be done to achieve what is displayed in the grade levels arts and crafts goals for the semester. Such are that this website focuses on is that of the following:
This website through Crayola allows the teacher or parent to use a data base to look up different lessons plans deals with arts and crafts but using every other curriuculum in the classroom. When clicking onto this website it takes you to a questionaire asking the following questions concerning what you are looking for in your lesson plan. These questions are the following; Any media, what curriculum, what grade level, timeframe and theme. With this website though in order to view the lesson plans found their is reigstration process that you have to go through filling out personal information. The good thing about this website it has over 7,000 lesson plans that are free just with signing up to the website. (2004). Retrieved October 26, 2004, from,
This website divided up their arts and crafts lesson plans through grade levels. The division of grade level goes are follows grade K to 2, 3 to 5, middle school and high school. All the lesson plans that are featured are in alphabetal order which can be difficult what searching for one central idea. But the usual thing about dividing them up into grade levels is that you know that children that are at that age range will be able to complete these activities with little or no assistance at all. With the lesson plans for each lesson they are given in full detail with the objectives, materials, plan, introduction, procedure and conclusion.
Visual Arts, Levels 7-12. Secondary Core Curriculum Standards. Retrieved October 27, 2004, from
This journal just discusses about the importance of visual arts in grade levels of 7-12. There was a research study completed in the United States that searched at the importance of this program. Throughout the middle school and high school education students were required to take up to three visual arts courses may be taken at the 9-12th grades as fulfillment of the 1.5 core art units required. Core options include courses in ceramics, jewelry, general crafts, sculpture I, art history and criticism, photography I, architecture design, interior design, foundations II, painting I, printmaking, or commercial art. Throughout the journal is discussed the requirements of each grade level and each subject also. The importance of this is for parents to look at what their child may be able to take if they have an interest in the arts. Even though this is an United States journal article their are other resources found in [ttp:// Canada] that parents and children can attend since not all of what is found in the article is found in a Canadian high school arts program.
Sizemore, J. (1995). Education Reform Opportunities for Artists and Craftspeople. A Handbook. Retrieved October 27, 2004, from
This journal article is from the United States once again. The information found in this article discusses 'The Kentucky Education Reform Act of 1990', the champions of arts education as an integral component of a holistic curriculum and assessment process, encourages schools to made use of resources from the community, including arts and cultural organizations, artists, folklorists, and craftspeople. This document aims to inform artists and educators of education reform and become familiar with potential funding sources. The text is organized in six sections, including: (1) "Background"; (2) "An Overview of Education Reform"; (3) "Professional Artists and Craftspeople in the Classrooms"; (4) "Professional Artists and Craftspeople in Other Education Reform Programs"; (5) "Funding and Resources for Artists and Craftspeople"; and (6) "Keeping Informed about Special Opportunities and National Grants.
Gary,C.L., & Foy, R. Ed. (1997). Transforming Ideas for Teaching and Learning the Arts. Retrieved October 27, 2004, from
This journal article is about a booklet that is designed to give teachers some of the latest ideas about how arts principles and concepts can best be understood, taught, and used in the classroom to improve instruction in the arts and other disciplines. The booklet's major ideas, organized into one page sections, include the following: (1) make certain all students have daily arts experiences; (2) the arts offer the opportunity to practice decision making; (3) students need to know the elements of the various arts and need to develop the vocabularies with which to discuss them; (4) experiences in the arts provide opportunities for students to learn as much about themselves as they do about the subject matter; (5) provide students with opportunities to develop a craft while exploring originality and analytical thinking; (6) lead students to new ways of solving problems through unique challenges in the arts, both mental and physical; (7) employ modern technology to encourage imaginative use of artistic material; (8) arts specialists are educators who are also skilled in at least one arts discipline; (9) enriching the experiences of all children as they study literature, history, geography, foreign languages, math, or science is a gift arts specialists offer the school; and (10) a major asset of the arts in education is to make schools a more engaging learning environment. The importance of this article is that it gives parents and teachers a resource to look at to what is being taught or what you are going to be teacihng students in the classrrom about creative arts and crafts.